What Grinds Your Gears?

ShineCero said:
Damn! I hope it wasn't that bad. 

Thank you. The other sad thing is when I was abandoned.

My iPad mini has been unkind to me lately - even though I tried freeing up the disk space especially by transferring my files sometime after having uploaded them I got the "Storage almost full" bullcrap which is why I couldn't take photos with it.  :gar:
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When a friend complain about how hard/suckish things are for them when they chose to put theirself in that position and have done little about it. 

Then again it's technically not a decision they could reverse at this point.
When I order a package that says it should get to my house by the 5th but UPS decided to shove it into the USPS place within "48 hours of process and reach its final destination within an average of three to 5 days"

May as well just make me pick it up at the damn post office if you were gonna do that and not take it to my house.

II'm leaving on Monday I don't have time for these losers to get my package to me on... what? Wednesday? Come on.
We're cold as ice B|

When someone place their opinions as fact.
My family watching TLC and A&E channels, seriously, you don't need the drama, get a life...
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