What Grinds Your Gears?

When all my friends are just mooching on another friend usually at lunch...Freak really likes Agump's lunch...
Living in paranoia because my parents are constsntly viollating my sense of trust that they won't snoop me
Not getting enough sleep
People who tell me i dont know true loneliness, when its themselves that dont. True loneliness is the feeling of being alone even in the company of others, where no one can truly understand you unles they too felt like that. That is what i feel every day even around my coworkers and my family
Fallen_Soul said:
People who tell me i dont know true loneliness, when its themselves that dont. True loneliness is the feeling of being alone even in the company of others, where no one can truly understand you unles they too felt like that. That is what i feel every day even around my coworkers and my family

I know that feeling, Its even worse when you try to fill the hole, and the only way you can doso is with something stupid like anime... unfortunately, there are far and few ways to truly fix it...
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