What Grinds Your Gears?

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“To all the kids from Parkland getting ready to use your First Amendment to attack everyone else’s Second Amendment at your march on Saturday, I wish a hero like Blaine Gaskill had been at Marjory Douglas High School last month because your classmates would still be alive and no one would know your names, because the media would have completely and utterly ignored your story, the way they ignored his,” Noir said. 

:dank: shit like this pisses me off.
People who claim to despise dishonesty and fake people, but are one of the most artificial people you can think of [font=Roboto-Regular, HelveticaNeue, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Roboto-Regular, HelveticaNeue, Arial, sans-serif]¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/font]
Dan Schneider and Hollywood.

The more I think about it, the more angry I get. Seriously, I hope they all perished due to their sick actions.
When jobs are hard to find in this small town of mine. Like, most aren't even hiring. And then, my mom screams at me that 'you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! GET A JOB ALREADY!' 'I'M TRYING! DO YOU WANT ME TO GO UP TO THEM, PUT A GUN TO THEIR HEADS, AND SAY HIRE ME?' 'NO, I JUST WANT YOU TO WORK SOMEWHERE, BECAUSE ALL YOU DO IS SIT IN YOUR ROOM!' Leaves me crying after she yells at me, then has the audacity to call my crying 'an act' so she'll stop being mean to me
Always feeling like I'm not getting enough sleep... maybe I need to go to the doctor or something.
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