What Grinds Your Gears?

Professor: I'm going to make this unannounced quiz worth 12 points instead of the usual 10 even though that's completely unfair to you, the students, because fuck you, I don't want anyone actually raising their grades in this class.
When someone nearly almost ran you over off the freeway and tries to speed off so you don't get their license plate number...
things that come out my mouth don't always match up with what makes sense in my head and this lands me in trouble. But I can't say this because it doesn't make sense so when someone asks me why, I'm forced to say "I don't know" because I don't know how to explain it.
When a white supremacist appeared in the lecture and saying some dumb shit.
When someone you respected at one point has been treating you like you're an idiot and acts like it's a problem when you're around, but when you're not, it's like the person is back to themselves and they won't even try to tell you what the problem is, they just keep doing it.
When people actually think that fictional history should be accepted in the academic medium. Sorry but no, your revisionist or romanticism should not be an accepted criteria in the history field.
That when even after having an upper endoscopy to try and figure out what's exactly going on down in my stomach and finding nothing abnormal(no ulcers), I'm still having stomach pains.  :cry:
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