What Grinds Your Gears?

People who are impatient about Pokemon news so they go around making stuff up and claiming Pokemon/Gamefreak is a bad company that's full of socialists capitalist communists.
Getting anxious about the littlest things in life
When it's pouring like crazy, then suddenly stops and it becomes hot as fuck.
When you watch an old Lootbox Uprising opening video (a satire one), before Blizzard eliminated the dupe problem more or less. You can actually feel the frustration just leak into you  :C:
People using other people, especially if they are their significant other, under the bus to justify their bullshit argument(s). It drives me nut when people do that. Either you stand your ground or concede. Don't toss in others because you can't back yourself up.
When your little sister acts like a fucking brat.
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