What Grinds Your Gears?

When you don't have any emotions and suddenly 10 irrational thoughts bombard you at once to make some weird unidentified feeling
Having crazy science rants with which nobody I know whats to try to understand at 2am on a Saturday night/ Sunday morn, this I just HAD to post them on BG
:Pls: when people have the audacity to call anyone of having an egos when they got exposed for lying through their teeth.
People who invalidate others' feelings by openly mocking their emotions.

"I'm logical, you're just emotional. Therefore, I'm right because my false sense of objectivity invalidates your emotional upset. Lol!"

Piss off, you sociopath.
Hey! Did you just assume my metal stability?!?

When you are getting good at drawing body shapes, and limbs, and clothes, and everything but the face, or your own gender...

Is it normal to disturb yourself with how easily you can draw the other gender, and your inability to draw your own?
ShineCero said:
:Pls: when people have the audacity to call anyone of having an egos when they got exposed for lying through their teeth.

To add even further, when those same people assumed your race get exposed as racists they are, but STILL have the audacity of accusing people of egos... for acting "white". What the living fuck does that even mean! :Pls:
Being stupid enough to put a qtip that was dipped in acetone nail polish remover and feeling it touch your hard palate and start burning you worse than holy water burned Lucifer

Don't be stupid
When your cousin is doing some crazy ass shit because she think she's cute and could get away with that. Sorry motherfucker, you ain't anything but fucking nuts.
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