What Did You Do Today?

Watch Tiger King, supervised a security installation in my house and finished the line drawing for aang.
Finished all my assignments for my typing class. Just need to do the final and I'm done with that. I also started on my Huey vs Riley drawing for the event. 

And making preparations for the "Let's Draw Together" Event.
Finished house bills, placed a USA flag to honor my father, and did some quick sketches. Now I'm on a posting marathon.
Was browsing on reddit to keep up with the news, and I found a thread, in which discuss various stories about teens (in between 11-15) getting groomed/take advantage of men (18+). Jesus christ... I was horrified of the stories I read and disgusted about the vile men who go after these girls.
Found an old site with some old friends on and watched some youtube. Also yes i am still around
Watched this powerful video. For those that are, for some reason, still not concerned or understand why people are advocating for change with the police department, here's a good video regarding the issue:

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