What Did You Do Today?

Just finished this big ass assignment, basically an outline for this research paper. Now I have an entire month to work on this, but I might as well finished it next week and turn it in early :thinking:
Finished editing the third chapter of Carnage Hero :thinking:
Scrubbed the FUCK out of my mom's craft room and made a lot more room AND a space for her to actually use it again
I got up early to go get my flu shot and found out they don't vaccinate on the weekends. Oof

So I just went to walmart and bought a bunch of stuff instead
Did some work on the Art Garden (guess I'm maintaining the section now), made a huge write up for the BGV discussion thread... still need to edit a few things and did some paperwork.

Oh, and I caught some niffy Pokemon and did some raid battles with Z. Hopefully, Pinks can join in too since the AI are whack :wagh:
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