I have this one memory of a dream that I had when I was younger where I was in a canoe and a river and that river led me into a waterfall and I remember looking up and seeing a bridge directly above me and for some reason, there was this one Sesame Street character Muppet that was just sitting up there and he'd caught me looking up at him and he had the most feral look in his eyes and I remember feeling so scared. Then it reached the point where the canoe I was in was reaching the part of the waterfall that basically runs down, but there were a couple of rocks just before it and there Muppet was, just starting me down and as I got closer he looked like he was about ready to jump and then the next thing I knew, right before I was about to fall down the waterfall he just straight up jumped at me like he was out to kill me and then I woke up. :argh: