Undertale: After Pacifist

"Sans...? Are you okay?" Frisk asked gently, walking over to him
"I can go change, if you want," Frisk said, "I...didn't mean to scare you with this outfit"
(REEEEE I finally got the motivation to post in this one again. sorry for the eons long wait Aiya.)

"No worries... you just gave my bones a rattling is all." Not wishing to make Frisk feel bad about her outfit choice, Sans decided to turn his moment of fear into a joke. "I'm used to hearin' my brother's bones when he comes up to me, or the ol' lady's pawsteps. You humans always made steps in the snow back in Snowdin. I kinda forget you're the quiet type."

"But Toriel's gonna get miffed if you get to school late. She'll call me a lazy bones again. Not that it ain't true." He shrugged casually. "But she loves her schooling."
(Eh, it's fine ^^. I'm used to waiting for replies, so, xD. A girl on DA and I used to rp. We did it for about 3 years, before she said she was leaving DA for a permanent hiatus. ....And I'm sad, because once we used to talk everyday. Now, we rarely even talk to each other. When I see her on skype, I shoot her a message to start a conversation, but, she never replies, sadly.)

Frisk walked over to Sans, and hugged him silently. 

"I...I know I promised you before, but I just want to promise it again. There won't be any more resets," Frisk said softly
(Aww, I'm sorry. ): Maybe she doesn't use that skype account anymore? I have people on there who change their skypes like they change clothes lmao)

Sans just let out a short sigh before rubbing Frisk's head. "...Not every timeline's had one like you, kid."
(All she really does is change her Skype name. She just changed it recently to Yuri Katsuki, a character from Yuri on Ice xD. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm infatuated with Yuri on Ice, too,....I just wish we could talk more like we used to....................)

Frisk was silent for a while more, before letting go of Sans. 

"I'm going to go change real quick. I'll be right back," Frisk said, running out of the room. About five minutes later, Frisk returned in a new outfit. She grabbed her lunch from the refrigerator. 

"I'm ready.We should go before I'm late," Frisk said
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