The Scarborough Sisters
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme;
Remember me to one who lives there,
For she was once a true love of mine.
I: So then, your Eminence, you knew of the Scarborough Sisters personally -- one of them was even your wife. Do you think the legends of them being blessed by a goddess was true? If not, would you care to set the record straight for all of us, maybe even give us a little history about them that you know?
Paragus: (laughs) Legendary? Let's set the record straight here; the short answer would be no, they were not blessed by any goddess. The long answer would require me to retell their history again, which I will:
The Scarborough Sisters, as we all know, were a famous quartet of female Saiyans that had a huge hand in ending the invasion on our Kingdom Tytania that was led by Demon King Piccolo. Some exaggerated that their power were almost godly and had the blessing of a goddess, but the only surviving sister, Gine, would tell you that it was all hogwash -- they don't have god-blessed powers, but they did have the help of old Master Mutaito, who, believing that the power held by the sisterly bonds of the four girls would have the power to seal away Piccolo for good without anyone dying, taught them the Mafuba Sealing technique. Thus ended the terrible invasion by Piccolo, but it sullied our ties with Meridia for many years. With the help of the good sisters, the two kingdoms repaired the damage that has been inflicted on both kingdoms, physically & on the diplomatic ties we have had, and that was how the sisters were marked in the history of not only Tytania, but Meridia as well.
It wasn't known why they were called the Scarborough Sisters in the first place -- even Gine wasn't really sure how or why -- but my research and further conversation with her have found that they were trained by a powerful mistress that was master of all three main disciplines we know of: magic, alchemy and Ki. It was this mysterious woman that taught them all they she knew -- Gine she trained to master Ki, the eldest sisters Niku & Chive were taught to master the art of Alchemy, and the youngest, Sharotto, was taught to master magic. When asked what the mistress was like, Gine simply smiled and said "She was like a mother to us when we had none."
After the war, the sisters have gone on to live their lives peacefully. Gine went into Law Enforcement, met and married Bardock; Niku went on to become a Royal Alchemist in the Kings' Hall, and eventually became Queen, Sharotto emigrated to Wyntre Tytania where she met and married the Duke there, becoming Grand Duchess of the Wyntre Court -- and Chive and I have had a happy family since. Sad to say, all but Gine have passed on to the next world, but -- I hope -- their brave courage and incredible resilience lives on in the hearts of their loved ones and the pages of Tytanian history for many years to come.
I: Do you think you can tell us, for the young kids out there who haven't yet learned about the Scarborough Sisters, who they are?
Paragus: Ah yes, of course. The eldest sister, Niku, was dubbed Sister Parsley, and my beloved Chive was Sister Thyme. Gine is Sister Sage while Sharotto was Sister Rosemary. Apart from these herbs being quite significant in magical and alchemical concoctions, I'm afraid I can't tell you the significance in their titles; I suppose the story behind it died along with their mistress.
--- excerpt from The Weekly Tytanian Bulletin, 9th May Age 956; An Interview with Lord Paragus, pages 5-6, as its weekly feature story
"They say there's some old ruins in the northernmost part of the world -- about a 3000-kilometer sled ride from Orkutsk which would take about a week or so if you're lucky, you know how bad the conditions can be -- that looks like some old kingdom. Yeah, a kingdom on the coldest point of the world? Normally I'd think it's a joke, but I've seen it.
The archaeologists already started work researching the place; thanks to how bloody freezin' it is, everything's preserved perfectly, and they found this old door on part of a wall that was still standin' even after what's probably millions of years old -- I'm not exaggeratin', they've dated it and everythin', and it really is that old -- with some strange circles and words written on the door. They haven't really deciphered it, nor could anyone even open the door for some reason, not even from the other side. Either way, y'know how dangerous it can get out there on the North point, so they had to establish camp miles away from the place. I was there helpin' them you know, gotta have a local guide after all.
So one day we was at the ruins again, them archaeologists still investigating the place and also that door, when one of them finally figured out what the writings were. "I got it!" he was screamin'. "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" And the others were goin', "so what does it say?" and the guy told 'em, "That's it! It says "easy peasy lemon squeezy!" You're laughin' now, but I'm tellin' ya, that's exactly what was written, and soon after the guy said it, the weirdest thing happened to all of us. I'll never forget it, Sarge.
The door actually opened -- literally -- and we saw it doesn't even lead anywhere, just this vast blackness dotted with stars. It was incredible, Sarge -- it's like we've opened a gateway to another dimension! But just as soon as we opened it, something -- someone -- suddenly appeared in front of us.
I couldn't tell you what the person looked like, Sarge, I can't seem to remember, I'm not even sure if he was real -- but he said something to us. Somethin' about the door bein' a door to "the old Universe" or summat. Says mortals aren't allowed to open the door much less figure out what was written. But Sarge, I tell ya, what happened after was the most shocking part of all. The guy just touches the scientist -- yeah the one that said "easy peasy lemon squeezy" -- and he disappeared! Not even a trace, and he was gone as soon as I blinked! I'm not jokin' Sarge, dammit, he was gone!
I knew we did somethin' wrong, and the guy pretty much confirms it -- 'e just turned to us, and said in this damn chillin' voice: "No one must leave this place alive" or summat. I managed to run as fast as I could Sarge, I dunno how I even survived -- but everyone, the scientists -- all gone. Last thing I knew was seein' this bright light engulfin' those ruins, and everythin' went back to normal. But the scientists -- they just disappeared, along with all their equipment, like they never existed. I was there, Sarge, I ain't messin' around.
Why didn't I tell the police, y' asked? Who'd believe me, Sarge? Ya had a hard time listenin' to this old man talk and ya askin' me why I didn't report to the police? No one's gonna believe me, Sarge. Go on and see for y'self if ya want, but I'm steerin' clear of the place."
--- overheard in a bar at Orkutsk
In the beginning, the universe was divided into thirteen.
Each of these thirteen universes had an overseer, an all-powerful being known -- to the people, anyway -- as Gods of Destruction, and paired with a personal angel who has the power to undo any destruction caused by their masters. The thirteen universes do not intersect with each other, nor do they know of the others' presence, except the Gods of Destruction and the angels. Governing these "gods" was an all-powerful being, the Master, that creates as well as destroys; it is not known who this omniscient being is, but it was said they are the one who created the Gods of Destruction, as well as many other godlike beings to govern each universe and ensure the course of their time runs smoothly.
However, one day, a terrible evil, more powerful than all the Gods of Destruction combined, began devouring each and every one of the thirteen universes. It devoured the Gods, each of them meeting their demise in the hands of the creature, until it came to one last universe, the universe that belonged to the god Beerus. Fighting together with Beerus was the universe's greatest hero, a man with a pure heart and an almost infinite power. Together, the two old friends faced the monstrous evil, in an attempt to keep their universe from being lost forever.
It was said the battle between Beerus, the hero and the great evil lasted for thousands of light years, until one day the evil was finally sealed away, keeping the last universe safe. However, the destruction caused by the battle was too great -- almost nothing was left of the universe, not even in its afterlife. The hero, heartbroken at this destruction, asked Beerus and his Master for one last request: that the universe was restored, and that the light in his heart be used to ensure everyone, including his enemies, were reborn as good people. With sadness in his eyes and with final goodbyes said, the god Beerus destroyed the hero until only his heart, pure and filled with light, remained, and with this heart, the Master restored the universe, bringing all creation back to life, and rebuilt everything anew.
It is the world we live in today, and we owe much to the hero and the god Beerus. However, such a terrible evil would surely resurface again, and so we must always strive to repent & give our lives and souls to the good of the universe, for if we don't, the evil will surely return again. We are the last legacy of the Universe, and we must ensure that this universe is protected for all eternity.
-- from the writings of Vegeta the 1st, First King of Tytania, 13th Year of the Zeal