All the dirt, bullets, glass, and other objects were being cleaned away from Jacen's body. The nurses dipped rags in a special kind of liquid that stung when it contacted Jacen's skin. It hurt but it would heal him from any sort of infections. As the nurses continue to tend to Jacen, one spoke out to the man.
"Please sir," She said gently. "Do not speak, save your energy. You'll be okay, just relax yourself."
Z-Nurse nodded as she listened to Magiana's explanation. She wrote down what looked like to be a report about the incident.
"I see, I'm glad that you helped out this young man when you could~ Alas, I'm sorry you had to get involved in such a thing~ I assume such an incident must be heavy on your shoulders~" Z-Nurse looked at Magiana. "But you should feel proud of yourself for helping this young man~ Do you wish for me to send you to your room, young one~?"