The General Convo: We're Cosmic Now

Sugar cookies without the icing? you disgust me B(
~Sukichu~ said:
I like sugar cookies with and without icing, depending on the brand. xD;

:zamasuhug:  Sukichu knows what's up.
Lofthouse sugar cookies are the best kind of sugar cookies. I won't eat anything else B(

I hate shortbread cookies, come to think of it. They taste of margarine
I could live with you not liking Cookies, but not liking Cuki is grounds fot capital punishment
Capital Punishment, you say?  :fry:
:wagh: NO banana peels!
What if banana peels were the key to saving the universe?  :heh:

(I don't like the stringy things on the banana peels though, so.  :lmao: )
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