The General Convo: We're Cosmic Now

:wagh: I bow to no king!!!!
Silence you heretic!
@"Grey Star" You shall be my new Shepard!
@"Freak" You shall be my axeman, deal with the Shine Heretic appropriately!
@"LoopyPanda" Get in the tower of locked accountedness and wait for me to lock your account door!
Wait why am I a Shepard?

Mass Effect Shepard?

Jesus Christ, Shepard of his church?

Alex Shepard, the hot faunus who runs a clinic in Vale and is a former Huntress?

This alert system is being a bit annoying, but I'm not entirely sure why.
I never tried to delete all these on my desktop yet. XD maybe Shine can figure out how to make it clear out of the queue once you click on the alert? It seems it doesn't go away until you delete it.
I'll see if I can find a way to clear them after you click an Alert. Though, I never tried it on the mobile yet. :think:
It behaves essentially the same way for me on mobile, having to click "Delete all Alerts" to get rid of them. I think it will disappear if I click the alert itself, but I'm unsure how consistent this is or if I merely imagined it. B|
I know ive had several alerts on it all from this thread even after posting here and clicking to it through the alerts tool, not sure if that helps.
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