The General Convo: We're Cosmic Now

~ Z ~ said:
You dare talk to Loopy like that?! I'll end you!

Nah. It won't happened. :Pls:
It's been a long time since I posted anything on here, jfc. How has life been treating y'all? 

life has been like this for me:

Life is going well. College is kicking my ass hardcore though :wagh:

Anything happened with you recently? :O
Life's been okay! I'm now just job-hunting and building up my design portfolio and stuff, aside from psychiatry appointments and also my hand hurting so much I had to go see a physiotherapist, but life is still good! 

also @ Z

I saw you post about your hand before on dA a while ago. Is it managed with therapy alone, or have you had to take meds for the pain? ): I hope things become easier on you, sending hugs!

As for my life tldr, I'm pretty much on a vacation so I can get away from everything for a month before I have to come back home for summer course.

Obligatory DK meme:
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