The General Convo: We're Cosmic Now


It is a good playlist
Testing out the Light Core Theme. So far, no problems here.
My eyeballs hate me for using the light theme after 5 months of pure darkness but I rly like it so far!

Also good job picking one of those 8 sided dice to be the icon for BV  :katroll:
LoopyPanda said:
My eyeballs hate me for using the light theme after 5 months of pure darkness but I rly like it so far!

Also good job picking one of those 8 sided dice to be the icon for BV  :katroll:

Thank you!

I was writing out this theme for about 5 days straight with little sleep, trying to work my brain of making sure every single thing is working as it should be. Hopefully, if we ever have a new upgrade, it won't break the forum anymore, aside from minor updates here and there. Dark Core should come in next couple of days once testing is done. After that, I will revamp the Awards system to be easier (and harder) to give out, while taking another close eye on competitions.

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