Olivia did as she was instructed, looking fearful like a frightened rabbit. "I can't fight back, not with my arms full like this!"
Eleanor emerged from the darkness of the room, lunging forward at the woman attacking Olivia from behind. Her kukri blades were covered in a smoky aura as she aimed to plunge them deep into the woman's back and make an X-shaped exit wound with them. "Go with them and take that kid with you!" Eleanor ordered.
"Right!" Olivia made a break for it, heading in Six-Two's direction. As she ran, she shouted an incantation once more in order to summon her celestial spirit Capricorn once more. "Capricorn, make sure they don't follow us on the way out, and help the others! Use your land form!"
Capricorn appeared from the key at her belt again as ordered, but on two humanoid legs rather than her previous mermaidlike tail. She took an offensive stance and held out her palms, which crackled with blue electricity. "If you want to go against my master, you will have to go through me first!"
Eleanor emerged from the darkness of the room, lunging forward at the woman attacking Olivia from behind. Her kukri blades were covered in a smoky aura as she aimed to plunge them deep into the woman's back and make an X-shaped exit wound with them. "Go with them and take that kid with you!" Eleanor ordered.
"Right!" Olivia made a break for it, heading in Six-Two's direction. As she ran, she shouted an incantation once more in order to summon her celestial spirit Capricorn once more. "Capricorn, make sure they don't follow us on the way out, and help the others! Use your land form!"
Capricorn appeared from the key at her belt again as ordered, but on two humanoid legs rather than her previous mermaidlike tail. She took an offensive stance and held out her palms, which crackled with blue electricity. "If you want to go against my master, you will have to go through me first!"