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Blue Jacket
Mar 2, 2016
ky, usa
Ey, heard there was a new place to talk anime and the like. You may recognize me from AF. I wasn't the most active on there though lol

I'll probably  start reposting the videos i had on AF on here eventually, since it seems AF is becoming less and less active everyday (and it seems most of you have migrated onto here). hope yall are cool with that lol  :D

I also hope and plan to upload some new stuff for you guys too.
Welcome to the board bro :superkat:
Ohai! Welcome to the crew buddy :superkat:

I subbed to you on yt and I still am I believe!

We have an Anime Review section so feel free to post your videos in there too! :kat:

We got paid a visit from the top troublemaker there recently. :katkek:
LoopyPanda said:
Ohai! Welcome to the crew buddy :superkat:

I subbed to you on yt and I still am I believe!

We have an Anime Review section so feel free to post your videos in there too! :kat:

We got paid a visit from the top troublemaker there recently. :katkek:

Very cool, glad to be here  :)
Hey Script! Glad to see you here! We sure hope you have a great time here and feel free to ask for help any time. I plan to see your videos, so feel free to post them here! :D

Welcome to Boogaloo! :kat:
Welcome to the forum! :D

If there's anything we can help you with, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay! :awesome:
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