Suicide Squad

The movie looks like it's going to be very interesting. I'am going to go check it out when it comes out in August. :D
Heard a tons of negative reviews on this movie. Was afraid of this so I won't be spending money in theaters. I'll wait for the DvD to come out and see it myself.
I went to see it lastnight, it wasn't bad but it felt more like an introduction than anything
~Ai~ said:
I went to see it lastnight, it wasn't bad but it felt more like an introduction than anything

I heard this from several people that it felt like a huge introduction movie. Did any of the characters leave a impact, such as Joker and Harley Quinn?
ShineCero said:
~Ai~ said:
I went to see it lastnight, it wasn't bad but it felt more like an introduction than anything

I heard this from several people that it felt like a huge introduction movie. Did any of the characters leave a impact, such as Joker and Harley Quinn?

yeah they all had their important roles but I think this was a way to introduce them for something bigger in an upcoming movie. I don't want to spoil it for you so I wont go into much detail :teehee:
I heard a remark that the movie was constantly physically dark. :lmao: That's one of my biggest pet peeves so I think I'll try and watch a dvd to rent so I can brighten the screen up myself...

This movie probably has more mixed reviews than GB 2016. My friends say they enjoyed it (mostly for Harley), others didn't.

I would watch it to laugh along with Leto Joker, but he's apparently only in it for a solid 12 minutes. ):

I don't quite like introduction-type movies, but perhaps it isn't what I'm thinking up. Don't want to go to the theater though. As long as it wasn't the kind of "intro" as Batman vs Superman. That one was very hard to sit through for me.

Apparently fans tried to petition to shut down Rotten Tomatoes due to the negative reviews on the movie. It's a good laugh
it was pretty dark but Harley was able to lighten the mood a lot :teehee:  yeah unfortunately the joker was not in the movie much but damn he is playing that part so well so far ::D
yeah shutting down a site is a bit rough, idk what they are thinking :lmao:
~Ai~ said:
ShineCero said:
~Ai~ said:
I went to see it lastnight, it wasn't bad but it felt more like an introduction than anything

I heard this from several people that it felt like a huge introduction movie. Did any of the characters leave a impact, such as Joker and Harley Quinn?

yeah they all had their important roles but I think this was a way to introduce them for something bigger in an upcoming movie. I don't want to spoil it for you so I wont go into much detail :teehee:

Nah don't worry about it. I love spoilers (you can put them in spoilers using the big ol red S :maybe:) 

10 minutes for the Joker, wow xD

I find it kind of silly to shut down a website over opinions lol some people like it, some people don't. That's just life :p
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