Star Wars: The Force Awakens


The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015


Star Wars: The Force Awakens" shattered box office records with an estimated $517 million in worldwide ticket sales through Sunday, a staggering debut that re-established the celebrated space saga as a global phenomenon under Walt Disney Co.

The first "Star Wars" film in a decade recorded the biggest domestic opening in Hollywood's history, collecting $238 million over the weekend in the United States and Canada. It also set records in Britain, Australia, Russia and elsewhere as fans embraced a new chapter in the galactic battle between good and evil.

Thousands joined a mock lightsaber battle in Los Angeles, where an Australian couple married in line for the film. President Obama ended a news conference on Friday saying he needed to head to a White House screening of the movie, and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton closed Saturday's Democratic debate saying, "May the Force be with you."

"I don't think ever in the history of movies has their been more hype leading up to release of a film," said Jeff Bock, senior box office analyst at Exhibitor Relations Co. "This is a huge, huge win."

The film's financial and critical success mark a victory for Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger's strategy of acquiring proven brands, including Pixar Animation and comic book powerhouse Marvel, to fuel Disney's entertainment empire.

Disney purchased "Star Wars" producer Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012 as part of his bet on big-budget films.

Movie theater attendance in the United States and Canada, the world's largest film market, has barely changed in a decade as online and mobile platforms exploded. Subscribers to Disney's sports powerhouse, ESPN, have shrunk, a much-noted sign of pressure on traditional media. The turnout for "Star Wars" is an encouraging result for Disney, rival media companies and movie theaters.

"We have so many options for entertainment, yet look at where everyone is flocking this weekend - to the multiplex," said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at box office tracking firm Rentrak. "Disney has this down to a science."

Global sales for "Force Awakens" finished second only to the dinosaur film "Jurassic World," which in its June opening garnered $525 million worldwide, including China, where the "Star Wars" film will not open for weeks. "Jurassic World" took $208.8 million at domestic theaters in its first weekend.

"Force Awakens" is the seventh installment in the epic science-fiction franchise created by George Lucas in 1977.

Filmgoers reveled in the return to the "Star Wars" galaxy, dressing as Jedi or Sith, carrying lightsabers and cheering when classic characters such as Princess Leia or Chewbacca appeared on screen. Theaters added showtimes to meet demand.

Disney plans four "Star Wars" movies through 2019, plus major expansions at its U.S. theme parks to incorporate the droids, spaceships and otherworldly creatures of the universe Lucas invented. "Force Awakens" toys, clothing, home accessories and video games already pervade stores ahead of Christmas.

A Reuters Breakingviews analysis last week calculated that Disney may be on track to triple its Lucasfilm investment and earn an average of $669 million off the franchise in each of the next six years.

Nostalgia, plus a carefully planned, months-long release of film trailers and character profiles boosted interest. Disney, which spent more than $200 million to make "Force Awakens," also created intrigue by keeping the plot largely secret.

Critics lauded the movie's throwback feel, doses of humor and the performances of newcomers Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac. Audiences awarded an "A" grade in polling by survey firm CinemaScore.

Disney took steps to attract more women and girls to the series, including casting Ridley as the star and running commercials during shows such as "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Forty-two percent of the weekend's domestic audience was female, Disney said.

"Force Awakens" could become the highest-grossing movie of all time, box office analysts said. "Avatar" holds that title with $2.8 billion in global sales.

The wild card is China, the world's second-largest movie market, where "Force Awakens" opens Jan. 9. The last "Star Wars" movie in 2005 collected just $9 million there.

Disney made an effort to build buzz, placing 500 miniature Stormtroopers at the Great Wall and striking a deal to stream the six earlier "Star Wars" films through video service Tencent.
Anyone going to watch this movie? :kat:​
I'm so going to watch this movie! I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I've been waiting for this movie ever since the original announcement was made. I asked my dad if he wanted to go watch it with me and he said I should wait for Christmas before watching I guess I'll get a cinema gift voucher from him xD

The only problem I have at the moment is avoiding all the spoilers on the internet, what an obstacle course  :argh: But so far I've been successful.
I saw it yesterday and it was really good!

I was so heart broken when Kylo Ren killed Han Solo like NOOOO.

But while I found the Silver Stormtrooper commander lady to be more menacing than Kylo Ren in certain parts, I was fine with how he was written to be a person who didn't have his emotions in check and retained immaturity. They didn't try to make him a Carbon copy of Vader who choked just about everyone all the damn time. Though I wish they didn't gloss over his backstory (unless I missed a part, I didn't rewatch the episodes up until this one lmao). 

I did like that this movie was more realistic than a lot of the episodes (the older ones have the tropes we all recognize as cheesy and overdone, but simply because it is older pop culture that doesn't fit in today's pop culture standard of what fresh would be.
I did enjoy the ass beating Rey gave Kylo Ren though lmao.

Also, Space Nazis.

It was quite an immersive movie, and since I waited a few days to watch the movie, the only time the audience as a whole cheered or clapped loudly was in the beginning when the title card opened and then the credits at the end. The movie experience for me was a lot better than I expected since the audience remained quiet as a mouse during the movie (even the little ones). Though collective laughter at the comedic parts was nice, and nobody cheered loudly when Han Solo appeared. (This isn't really a spoiler since he was in the trailer already)
I saw the movie this past Saturday and it was really great. To those who haven't seen it yet, you won't be disappointed.
Saw it last Thursday said:
I saw it yesterday and it was really good!

I was so heart broken when Kylo Ren killed Han Solo like NOOOO.

But while I found the Silver Stormtrooper commander lady to be more menacing than Kylo Ren in certain parts, I was fine with how he was written to be a person who didn't have his emotions in check and retained immaturity. They didn't try to make him a Carbon copy of Vader who choked just about everyone all the damn time. Though I wish they didn't gloss over his backstory (unless I missed a part, I didn't rewatch the episodes up until this one lmao). 

I did like that this movie was more realistic than a lot of the episodes (the older ones have the tropes we all recognize as cheesy and overdone, but simply because it is older pop culture that doesn't fit in today's pop culture standard of what fresh would be.
I did enjoy the ass beating Rey gave Kylo Ren though lmao.

Also, Space Nazis.

It was quite an immersive movie, and since I waited a few days to watch the movie, the only time the audience as a whole cheered or clapped loudly was in the beginning when the title card opened and then the credits at the end. The movie experience for me was a lot better than I expected since the audience remained quiet as a mouse during the movie (even the little ones). Though collective laughter at the comedic parts was nice, and nobody cheered loudly when Han Solo appeared. (This isn't really a spoiler since he was in the trailer already)

Agreed, my mouth went dry at that part. The suspense of that whole sequence too...wowza. 
Although I honestly half expected it. Harrison Ford had previously said in interviews that he'd hoped Han would be killed in Return of the Jedi to give a little more gravity to the character or whatever. Lawrence Kasdan the screenplay writer liked the idea too but George Lucas didn't, so that didn't happen (good thing IMO). So since the two of them were together again and J.J. Abrams is apparently far more open to suggestion I kinda thought in the back of my head when they revealed Kylo Ren was his son "oh boy, he's a dead man walking".

Kylo Ren did remind me a little but of Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith, or rather of Anakin Skywalker having just turned to the dark side. Only I might say Ben Solo might be even more evil than Anakin was. I was glad when Rey whooped his ass too.....Han killer lol. My question would be if Rey was able to beat a half trained Kylo Ren with no training at all, is he really going to be much of a challenge at all when Luke's done with her? That's a neat dynamic they've set up though. Rather than being a grand evil for the hero to overcome it's more rivals on more equal footing here. Kinda thought Captain Phasma wasn't as menacing as I thought she'd be. I mean, as I recall that scene from the second trailer where she's marching toward the camera like a badass resulted in a wookie tackle (which was hilarious BTW, perfect comedic timing). 

The nazi imagery was stronger with this than the others.  


It seems that Star Wars has gain over a billion dollars within twelve days. Not surprise, but looks like Jurassic Park got knock off.
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