I've noticed that I haven't made an official introduction on this forum per-say, but I'm sure everyone already know who I am by various of names over the years :kat:
So, I'd figured that I'll do a different approach of an introduction; the creation of Boogaloo and the meaning of the name. Boogaloo, as you can tell officially launched on the fourth of September, co-siding our [Z and I] birthdays. Although, I actually went ahead and created the site a day earlier. So, why was this forum created? It was created in order to showcase that Loopy and Drago that they were not alone nor "hated" as Ascended, Saber and -surprisingly- Dragonlady, claimed they were. I wanted to show them and those that have been banned to defend them or simply want to avoid the drama, that hey, we always got your back; especially after seeing Loopy, Z Drago and a few others cried after Ascended basically railroad Loopy as if she was the spawn of Anti-Christ itself. So, being atleast somewhat was experienced with web designing at a basic level, so I thought, hey, I can at least test out my shitty skills and give all my friends, a better place to be. Thus, here we all are.
I'm not aiming to become the best forum out there, nor expected all of us to pushed towards that goal. What I expect from you guys is simply to have fun without being ridcule, without getting death threats for joining another forum/website, without being harassment or stalk. This is simply a place for you to have fun, chat with your friends, and pop up every once in a while to chill with your bros and gals. :katfeels:
With that said, I'd hoping that you all have an wonderful time here and excited to see all your old friends popping up and formed new friends
wished you all a Happy Holidays and a very awesome, new year and beyond :brofist:
As for the term, Boogaloo. I seen a few users asking about the name. It derive from a Google+ Hangout where it was simply Loopy, Drago, Z, Jcoss and I that we usually used it to alert each other of doing our jobs on the forum and then make crony ass jokes about each other B| XD. Of course, the name Boogaloo was brought up as a name for our group -and- because of how silly the name was, we kept it :maybe:
So, I'd figured that I'll do a different approach of an introduction; the creation of Boogaloo and the meaning of the name. Boogaloo, as you can tell officially launched on the fourth of September, co-siding our [Z and I] birthdays. Although, I actually went ahead and created the site a day earlier. So, why was this forum created? It was created in order to showcase that Loopy and Drago that they were not alone nor "hated" as Ascended, Saber and -surprisingly- Dragonlady, claimed they were. I wanted to show them and those that have been banned to defend them or simply want to avoid the drama, that hey, we always got your back; especially after seeing Loopy, Z Drago and a few others cried after Ascended basically railroad Loopy as if she was the spawn of Anti-Christ itself. So, being atleast somewhat was experienced with web designing at a basic level, so I thought, hey, I can at least test out my shitty skills and give all my friends, a better place to be. Thus, here we all are.

I'm not aiming to become the best forum out there, nor expected all of us to pushed towards that goal. What I expect from you guys is simply to have fun without being ridcule, without getting death threats for joining another forum/website, without being harassment or stalk. This is simply a place for you to have fun, chat with your friends, and pop up every once in a while to chill with your bros and gals. :katfeels:
With that said, I'd hoping that you all have an wonderful time here and excited to see all your old friends popping up and formed new friends

As for the term, Boogaloo. I seen a few users asking about the name. It derive from a Google+ Hangout where it was simply Loopy, Drago, Z, Jcoss and I that we usually used it to alert each other of doing our jobs on the forum and then make crony ass jokes about each other B| XD. Of course, the name Boogaloo was brought up as a name for our group -and- because of how silly the name was, we kept it :maybe: