On no! Two (2) Hulks is coming after you!


The Strongest
A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
I got the ability to shoot a fire Web and summon the season Spring.

Looks like I'm gonna die.
I got Fallout Manipulation and Earth Sealing. Contrary to what you may think, Earth Sealing does not involve you sealing an object in dirt, BUT sealing earth inside the OBJECT .... and manipulate how it exits 

So I guess I could win by making sand spikes explode from inside them...

I just gotta make them inhale dirt. Easy enough....  :gglife:
Boundless Inner World (infinite world inside myself I can go into)

Acceleration Immunity (immunity to the side effects of changing speed far too quickly)

I guess if I can get them to throw me I'm good.
Beginning Dominance: The ability to begin anything along with how and when it begins.

Body Creation: The user is able to create bodies (biological or artificial) which are in perfect condition for themselves or others to inhabit.

The Hulks are fucked. Create a perfect body for myself, then reset the Hulk to nothing more than Baby Banner :Pls:
Grey Star said:
Boundless Inner World (infinite world inside myself I can go into)

Acceleration Immunity (immunity to the side effects of changing speed far too quickly)

I guess if I can get them to throw me I'm good.

don't need to defend yourself if you can infinitely escape
Similarity Inducement: The user can induce similarities onto other people, objects, places or concepts, causing them to share something in common with each other.

Psychic Light Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate psychic light, allowing them to reveal lost memories or to blind victims' minds.

I mean... what the heck am I suppose to do with this? I can probably make myself similar to the Hulk, but I think that would be a stalemate (assuming it grants me powers).

Am I screwed or what :wagh:
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