October Art Challenge

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015
October Art Challenge

Welcome to the October Art Challenge! You will find all art challenges throughout the month with different themes at your leisure. All challenges have their own end-date, awards, and other goodies. If you tackle them all, you will be granted an October Artist Award, which features Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter known for many portraits, including self-portraits and works inspired by nature and artifacts of Mexico.

All Art Challenges ends on October 31st at 12 AM PDT/ 3 AM EST / 9 AM CET / 3 PM MYT

To enter, please post your finished work in this thread once you complete it. You can use anything in your disposal for this challenge to create your piece. If you're using digital drawing, make sure your work has an aspect ratio of 16:9 (1920x1080, 3840x2160, etc.). If you're using traditional work, you can deviate from the aspect ratio. Please use IMGUR for uploading your artwork!


OC Costume Challenge

You are task of drawing your Original Characters in any costume suited for Halloween! You have until the 31st of October to turn it in.​



[align=center]Monsters Challenge

Witches, Creatures of the Night and More! Show off your skills by creating your own monster! It can be anything from scary humans to straight up Eldritch Abomination! You have until the 31st of October to turn it in.​



[align=center]Day of the Dead

Celebration of the Day of the Dead, a commemoration that reunites the living and the dead in a joyous feeling rather than mourning. Draw inspirations from plenty of goodies and artwork that honor this unique celebration! You have until the 31st of October to turn it in.​
Guess I'll be the first entry!

OC Costume Challenge



I could only get 1 done (well technically 2 but I kinda messed it up because markers are permanent and I forgot about that...)

But it's cute so tAKE IT

This is my Pokemon OC Satomi dressed as the Vocaloid character Rin <3
That's adorable! I love it! :sob: 

Competition ended! Next set of challenges will appear later on today! Awards will be issued later on tonight, and all contents will be uploaded once BGC Twitter gets a little nice revamp! Thanks @LoopyPanda for participating! :sob:
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