Nostalgic Games

Civilization IV and Age of Empires 3

Those were two of the first PC games I got and my first taste of the strategy game genre. I poured endless hours into these games, building my empire and trying to rule the world maps. Good times :)
The first games that come to mind for me are Pokemon (Gen I & II) and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask
~ Z ~ said:
Does anyone play Sly cooper anymore? xDD
Yes Z, we remember.

My nostalgia game of the day is Star Wars Battlefront I and II, all because Freak decided to do the song on its main menu at lunch...
Eruner said:
I got Star Wars Battlefront still installed and working on my PC

If you get GameRanger then you, me, and Freak can play it together.

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