No More Heroes [Registration]

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Perfect. Approved.
Finally got these done. Any problems please tell me. 

Name: Aureo Oro Bugiardo
Identity Name:
Birthday: Dec 31st
Power: Temporal Healing- Aureo's powers: Can rewind time round person/animal/object up to a couple hours by touching them to heal/fix them.
~ Must maintain firm hold, breaking contact stops the temporal healing.
~ Can only rewind a couple of minutes. To one or two hours (he's never been able to go past two hours, as its always made him pass out from exhaustion.)
~ Temporal Healing causes a constant drain on the caster. If over used it can kill the caster.
~ Can be used on ones self but energy is still drained.
~ After use caster is very weak and sick, and usually starving as well.
~ Can potentially resurrect the dead as long as they died within the past two hours and their bodies aren't in too bad a shape. (Ie: they has to be able to touch it: If theres no body theirs no healing.)
Weakness: Aureo is physically very frail. he has several large phobias he tends to have anxiety and panic attacks when too stressed. 
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Italian
Appearance: 5’3” (160cm) with dark olive skin large hazel eyes, and long black hair with a chin length fringe that frames his face. Aureo is very pretty, and is normally mistaken as a woman. He usually wears effeminant clothing as well. He also always wears scarves.  
Status: Neutral
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Soft spoken and kind hearted, he’s usually calm and cheerful, thought he tends to become quite passive aggressive towards people who annoy him. He loves children and is very nurturing. Dislikes violence and shies from conflict. He loves being around people, but is happiest in a small group setting, and can become overwhelmed by too many people.
Background: A Medical Student from Italy he came with a Humanitarian Aide group to help victims of the bombing. Since arriving he’s practically adopted several local children and teens and most thrillingly fallen in love with a tall dark handsome stranger with the most captivating green eyes.  

Name: Felix Gräsand
Identity Name: 
Birthday: October 24th
Power: Shape shifter… or at least he’s supposed to be. So far the only things he can transform into at will is a Mallard and a chair. The rest he has to struggle to change to.
Weakness: His powers are linked to his emotions, and so he tends to transform when startled or when angry. Comically he has very little control over what he changes into, and if too flustered he has been known to change into unhelpful items. Like that time he was freaking out and turned into a toothbrush...
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Swedish
Status: Hero?
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: [size=medium]Short tempered, with and even shorter attension span, he can be very forgetful of what he’s supposed to be doing, and is easily distracted and quiet gullible. Mostly he just does whatever he wants. Helping people for the glory and attention is good. Getting to beat up bad guys is better. But on the other hand he likes explosions, is a Pyromaniac, and most likely insane. He is also quite cowardly. Running away screaming when out numbered or out-powered. He’s a teenager, and so his emotions are all over the place. This leading to his powers also being all over the place. He’s bratty, childish and impulsive, and probably has ADHD. [/size]
Background: Born in Sweden. Mark Fisher's childhood friend. The two are backpacking across Europe. They were touring the city together when everything blew. Felix’s Powers first manifested at two years old when visiting a park, the boy had been playing by the  pond on which a flock of Mallard Ducks had come down to rest on. His mother went to find him, only to realize that their was no baby toddling around, only an unusually friendly duck. Hysterical both she and her husband searched everywhere for their baby, the husband even diving into the pond to search, the friendly mallard swimming along after him. They finally gave up, sitting crying and decided to call the park authorities and police to report the boy missing, when the friendly mallard, who’d been watching the wife cry suddenly flew up onto her lap and transformed back into Felix before hugging her, shocking both his parents. The two though grateful to have the boy back, never the less hurried to leave the park, and from that day forward were very protective of Felix keeping the boy home and his abilities carefully hidden for fear he’d be taken from them if anyone ever found out. The Irony of his first transformation, and the meaning of their family name was not lost on them however. (Gräsand being Swedish for Mallard.) And two this day both Felix’s parents affectionately call him “My duck.” when exasperated with him...

Name: Koichi Kozaru
Identity Name: The Great Koichi
Birthday: July 27th
Power: Low level Gravity Manipulation. Can increase or decrease the gravity around himself within a five foot circumference.
Weakness: Powers tend to self-trigger at times when he’s feeling strong emotions. He can only affect things within the immediate vicinity of him (In his “bubble" as he calls it)  {{He has the worst sense of direction in the world}}
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese
Appearance: Small framed, 4’11” and frail, he has yet to have any growth spurts or other signs of puberty kick in. Much to his own great annoyance. He has pale gold skin and messy black hair, with large black eyes.
Status: Hero
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Spunky, Energetic, brash and headstrong. Koichi will often dive headfirst into danger without any forethought. He’s quite full of himself, outspoken, and LOUD. Underneath his annoying, egotistical, spoiled brat exterior however he’s actually a very sensitive, soft hearted young man. He can be quiet gullible and naive at times. And gets confused easy.  
Background: Childhood friends with Albert Lupei aka Gin. He’s multilingual, fluently speaking Japanese, English, and Romanian. Ran away with Gin after their powers were found out and has been living in the sanctuary for quiet sometime  

Name: Albert Lupei
Identity Name: Gin
Birthday: March 9th
Power: Wind Manipulation. can control winds of varying strength for a short length of time using body movement or breath. Most commonly this manifests os quick bursts of air used to know, people or things aside.  
Weakness: Both physical actions, and spiritual energy is used and so the techniques are every tiring. The longer or more complex the wind technique, the more tiring it become.  
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Romanian/Caucasian
Appearance: 5’3” muscular with shoulder length wavy (dyed) silver hair. Pale peach skin, and pale grey eyes.
Status: Hero
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: A very calm mature young man, Gin can be very introverted and rarely speaks to anyone aside from Koichi. Not that he’s a jerk or anything. Just shy really. He allows Koichi to make the bulk of the decisions, only intervening when a plan gets dangerous. Gin mostly lacks self confidence in social issues, believing that other people would know better than he would about things. He genuinely loves Koichi and has since they were children. Though he often finds his logical mind befuddled by the boy’s actions.
Background: Known Koichi since they both were young, he acts as a older brother and now guardian to the young boy. They’ve lived in the sanctuary together looking out for one another since they were young.
All approved. :thumbs:

Just reminder that personality flaws isn't a weakness (you can put them under their personality). Being tired after using it too much should be enough :p

Updated the Unusable Power List with the light of these new characters.
To avoid people adding more characters, in preparation of the new arc, I will be closing this thread. Until further notice, no one can add new characters for No More Heroes.
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