
Blue Jacket
Sep 13, 2015
Discord: Tadashi#6468

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII has finally made it to the PC. It followed suit after the previous two games, Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. It also includes some of the DLC content from the original console version. And as usual, some graphics controls are available for the PC version. It's useful for those with powerful enough PC's to enjoy the extra eye candy.​
It can be found on Steam:[/LEFT]

I'm really happy it finally came. Although I still have to finish the last chapter of the first game and the entirety of the second one before dwelling into this one.​
I'm happy for all PC gamers who didn't have a chance to play this game on Playstation :)

I played the PS3 version a while ago. At first I thought the time limit (13 in-game days) might stress me, but it's more than enough time to finish all the mandatory story content. The game gives a nice closure to the story of the FF XIII trilogy (though I think that the ending of original FF XIII was already good enough and they could have left it at that). The gameplay is fun, though it felt a bit weird to only have one party member, as opposed to the usual party "size" of 3-6 members of most JRPGs. All things considered, I'd definitely recommend the game.
Luxtra said:
I'm happy for all PC gamers who didn't have a chance to play this game on Playstation :)

I played the PS3 version a while ago. At first I thought the time limit (13 in-game days) might stress me, but it's more than enough time to finish all the mandatory story content. The game gives a nice closure to the story of the FF XIII trilogy (though I think that the ending of original FF XIII was already good enough and they could have left it at that). The gameplay is fun, though it felt a bit weird to only have one party member, as opposed to the usual party "size" of 3-6 members of most JRPGs. All things considered, I'd definitely recommend the game.

I still have yet to beat it. I haven't touched it in a while because I was still so aggravated with the whole timed gameplay aspect as well as the fact that they took away monster summoning.

Monster capturing/summoning is what made 13-2 such a masterpiece to me. I put over 145 hours in that game tryin to catch'em all. Don't get me wrong, I like how the story is coming to its climax. Just being timed kinda dulled it out for me it really did.
Is the second and third game better the first game? :think:
ShineCero said:
Is the second and third game better the first game? :think:
The second game is the best of all 3.

Free realm monster catching and summoning.... Nuff said right?

1st game is a single straight path...literally

Number 3 you play ONLY as lightning. Its cool you can change her moves and outfits and it has free realm buuut the entire game is timed based.
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