James' Video Gallery


Blue Jacket
Nov 23, 2015
Hey all, welcome to my video gallery, where you can see my collection of YouTube Poops, Short Films and animations! I'll begin organizing this from my newest and better videos to my older ones. This thread is gonna be a work in progress for now, since as you can imagine after 7 or 8 years of video making my body of work is pretty sizable. 

This is a short 3D animation project I made in the spring of this year. Don't have much experience in 3D animation so it's not much.


This is only the second place I've shared this. I'm far from the soul creator of this little short, but I acted in it and edited it so I'll show it here for now. 

This here's my latest YouTube Poop, I've had less and less time to make them lately but I like how this one came out. 
Cool videos you got there, Puso! :thumbs:

Keep up the great work and I'm sure your channel will get huge in no time!

The deathofPikachu one killed me. xDD
Rest in fuckin pieces Pikachu

That one got a good laugh out of me.

The last one is so WTF tho. I also had my volume turned up so the last part zapped my eardrums. XDD
~ Z ~ said:
Cool videos you got there, Puso! :thumbs:

Keep up the great work and I'm sure your channel will get huge in no time!

The deathofPikachu one killed me. xDD

Thanks man! Hey, maybe someday it'll get huge, crazy things happen.

Glad ya dug DoP, that isn't even public so it's nice to get a couple more eyeballs on it. 
LoopyPanda said:
Rest in fuckin pieces Pikachu

That one got a good laugh out of me.

The last one is so WTF tho. I also had my volume turned up so the last part zapped my eardrums. XDD

Fun Fact: Initially it was planned my entire role acting was gonna be some random guy who just comes out of nowhere and pisses on the grave, but the guy who played trainer #2 was late for class the day we filmed so I ended up being trainer #2. Glad ya got a good laugh out of it. 

Can't believe I actually got something with the ear rape gag XD. It's kinda supposed to be WTF though, some of my vids are REALLY weird :p

Speaking of, I have a brand new one and 2 old ones here (spoiler, the new one has another ear rape moment, be warned lol)! Boy I've been lazy about updating this thread. 

New Video: Youtube Poop Big Tobacco Be Like
This may be the strangest thing I've enver concocted. 


Old Vids:
YouTube Poop: The Nostalgia Critic Reviews The Internet....Again

YouTube Poop: The Hero Always Dies In the End (my 50th YTP video)
Congrats on your 50th video man! And That Big Tobacco company video killed me xDD
Thanks Shine man, 'll have to get around to updating this thread a bit more but 50 videos is a lot to post :p/
Little school project I made for a 3D animation class. 

lol dat music XD

Looks pretty good man! How long did it take you to animated that?
Thanks :). I don't remember how long it was exactly but it was only a few hours (like maybe 4-5). For an animation project it was VERY short. A lot shorter than the previous 3D modeling assignment for sure,
JamesYTP said:
Thanks :). I don't remember how long it was exactly but it was only a few hours (like maybe 4-5). For an animation project it was VERY short. A lot shorter than the previous 3D modeling assignment for sure,

Whoa, that's alot of hours for a few seconds! Just give you an insight how the animation process is a lengthy workload xD I would love to see more animation projects :thumbs:
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