Happy Birthday Yuki Takeya!

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~ Z ~

Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
The Cosmos~!

Source: http://thecakeblog.com/2012/03/minnie-mouse-1st-birthday.html[/CENTER]

Happy Birthday Yuki Takeya!

Let's all come together and celebrate a super cool birthday from our lovely member, Yuki! Being cool and composed isn't all Yuki is known for; being calm and collected in super serious times can best describe Yuki in peril! Yuki can always show us how to be super chill and super cool and times which normal people tend to panic. We only wonder what goes on behind that mind that Yuki has. Only time can tell! In all seriousness, we here of Boogaloo hope that you have a wonderful time on your birthday and spend it with nothing but smiles and joy! Spend it with your closest friends and your loving family and eat a ton of cake! And remember; always save a slice for Boogaloo!

- Love, The Boogaloo Crew~!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Yuki-terru
This thread is now closed. If you still wish to say happy birthday, please give the user a message on their profile! Many thanks! :D
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