Happy Birthday Masamune+!

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~ Z ~

Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
The Cosmos~!



Let's all come together and play all sorts of games and watch any anime because Masa has his way with all sorts of cool stuff! He's calm, cool, and collected only because we always seem to meet up to his standards! But today, he will sit back and relax this very special day! Don't make him pull out his blade and stab you, he'll do it if you ruin it! Masa, being the mature man he is, will think twice before hurting you on his birthday...or maybe he won't! With Sephiroth as his back-up, he really has nothing to fear! Our celebration of his birthday fills him with determination! In all seriousness, we hope you have a wonderful and safe time on your birthday! Enjoy it to the fullest and make sure to spend it with all your friends, family, and other loved ones. We hope you enjoy the cake but always remember to save one slice for us here on Boogaloo!

- Love, The Boogaloo Crew~!
Happy Birthday! :awesome:
An extremely late happy birthday! XD
As it's been at least two weeks, this thread is now closed. If you wish to say happy birthday, leave a message on their profile.

" title=""

We all know Masa's name isn't Monica...

Is this a second birthday waving it's sword on Boogaloo? We believe it is! Let's all say a huge happy birthday to Masamune and let's make sure he's the only one who gets to slice the cake! With a huge sword he can't miss, right? With all the power Masamune has I think we might have to make more than just a party, we have to make a festival! Hopefully, Masamune will be tame enough to not take over the world...at least for today. In all seriousness, we all hope that you have an absolutely wonderful time on this very special day. Spend this day with all your friends and family, spend it with laughter and joy, and spend it enjoying yourself above all else! We hope you eat a ton of cake but always remember to save at least one slice for everyone here on Boogaloo!

- Love, The Boogaloo Crew~!
Happy birthday!! :awesome:
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