Source: http://www.cakesindubai.com/cakes-blog/1st-birthday-cake-with-rabbit[/SIZE][/CENTER]
Let's all gather around and rave about the latest birthday in August. Laugh+Beats will always be here to show us that birthdays are really special to people, even bunnies! With the music flowing through Laugh+Beats's veins, there isn't anything in this world (or the next) that can stop this awesome party. Let's all wish the best birthday for Laugh+Beats and let's all make sure to make it the best time ever! In all seriousness, we hope that you truly have a wonderful time with not just your family but your close friends. I hope you enjoy your birthday to the fullest! Make sure to eat a ton of cake but always remember to save one slice for Boogaloo!
- Love, The Boogaloo Crew~!