Happy Birthday Frenzied Shadow!

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~ Z ~

A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
The Cosmos~!

Source: http://www.foodiggity.com/the-greatest-dragon-cake-that-you-will-see-today/[/SIZE][/CENTER]
(Yes, this is a REAL cake and it BLEW my little mind.)

Happy Birthday Frenzied Shadow!

Today we shall not slain any dragons! No shadow will disappear with the morning sun! Let dragons and shadows become a frenzy together! I picked a dragon cake since Frenzied Shadow seems to like dragons...so why not a badass dragon CAKE? Show us how you tame your dragons, Frenzied Shadow! Or show us how you drive shadows into a frenzy! Too many puns? Forgive me. Let's all wish Frenzied Shadow the biggest and brightest birthday ever! Lots of cake for you and all your loved ones. Be sure to spend your wonderful day with your loved ones and friends and just have a great time! Be sure to save us a slice of cake, it looks amazing! Hope you have a blast!

- Love, The Boogaloo Crew!
Happy Birthday Bro! B))))))
Very nice~! Happy birthday, Gore Magala!
I'm about to cry right now... This is quite possibly the greatest birthday thread I have ever had from someone else making it. Everyone, thank you. All of you rock, and Z, keep up the puns! THEY'RE LEGENDARY, AS ALL DRAGONS ARE. TONIGHT, MY SHADOW SHALL NOT FADE!
Thread Reopened for the second time to celebrate Frenzied Shadow's second birthday with everyone on Boogaloo!

Happy Birthday again Frenzied Shadow! Another cake to celebrate your majestic love for Dragons and elegant use of shadows! We hope you truly enjoy the second coming of such a wonderful day and thank you for spending it with us on Boogaloo!​
Happy Birthday!!!
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