Source: http://www.aprettycakemachine.com/recent-bakes-a-sailor-moon-rococo-cake/[/CENTER]
Happy Birthday Asamoya!
Let's come together and make this a very magical day for a very magical person: Asamoya! Since today is Asamoya's birthday, we can expect nothing but the best cake and the best time. Magic is usually a kid's way of fixing things but when Asa' uses it, it just ends in pure bliss. She loves to put a smile on everyone's face with a simple flick of magic. With all this magic and all this wonderful ditsy goodness, even she needs a break. So why not gather around Asamoya and celebrate such a wonderful day for her! In all seriousness, we really hope you have a wonderful time on your birthday and spend it with your family and friends. Nothing can ruin this day for you on Boogaloo. Stuff your face with cake but always remember to save a piece for Boogaloo!
- Love, The Boogaloo Crew~!