Grey Star
Red Jacket
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character: OC.
Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [ mostly] if OC):
Name: The Dark Gunner, or Tech Star
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 100 pounds
Species: Isorian
However, the green replaced with an indigo blue. With wings on the back.
Personality: The Dark Gunner is somewhat friendly to those he meets, but has an itchy trigger finger in terms of of anywhere. He's becomes calmer as the situation grows more and more dire.
Attacks: Basic Gun- A six shot clip that has enough power to puncture thick armor, with extra depending upon the gun. Argent Peacemaker does elemental damage with a bonus against machinery and undead. Senteza does shadow damage with a bonus against sentient beings. Gilded Griffin does piercing damage, with a bonus against thick hides and armor. Obisdion Carbine is a weaker version of the Senteza but inflicts a weakening poison with it's attacks. The clips auto-reload if left with a bullet or more left in the chamber without requiring the Dark Gunner to reload, but if empty do require a reload.
Charged Gun- A quick flash of yellow energy surrounds the Dark Gunner in a swirling fashion before remaining around him. The next time he fires his gun he is rooted in place as 5 bullets go off followed by a bird matching the main color of the gun, while retaining their qualities from the basic gun attack. Pale yellow for the Argent Peacemaker, dark purple for the Senteza. Orange for the Gilded Griffin. And a series of black Aprocrean tendrils for the Obsidian Carbine.
Basic Sword- A swing with the Obsidian Edge, dealing heavy shadow damage with poison compared to the Senteza.
Sword Combo- A three swing combo with the Obisdian edge, keeping the shadow poison damage.
Charged Sword- The same yellow energy swirls around the Dark Gunner and he releases a heavy sword swing from the Obsidian Edge keeping it's damage qualities only amplified, followed by Aprocrea tendrils reaching several yards.
Bomb- The same yellow energy from the other charge attacks swirl around the Dark Gunner, activating the Obsidian Crusher. When the bomb next hits the ground it explodes in 3 seconds in ten yards in a circle. Deals shadow damage and poison.
Abilities: Flight- Through the use of his wings, the Dark Gunner can fly with ease.
Teleportation- Through the use of his Aprocrea abilities, the Dark Gunner is able to teleport in a flash of purple light.
Devilite Portals- The Dark Gunner can open portals to anywhere planet that doesn't have counter measures.
Dash: The Dark Gunner makes a leap of several meters in any direction that isn't down.
Shield: The Dark Gunner raises his shield, generating a slowly breaking energy bubble around him. Slows him down considerably, prevents him from attacking, and requires several seconds of lack of damage to being regenerating.
Mixed Abilities: Aprocrea Tendrils- These tendrils can be used to restrain enemies or grab items or pull things.
Shield Bash: The Dark Gunner creates his shield and bashes it against an enemy by quickly moving several yards, but costs half his shield's health.
Items/Weapons: Chaos Set- Provides some resistance to damage, with bonuses to the shadow variety, and grants the Dark Gunner the majority of his power. It's what he wears.
Argent Peacemaker- The elemental revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Senteza- The shadow revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Gilded Griffin- The peircing revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Obsidion Carbine- The shadow poison revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Obsidion Edge- The shadow poison sword of the Dark Gunner.
Obsidion Crusher- The shadow poison bomb of the Dark Gunner.
Dread Skelly Shield-
A shadow based shield that provides a good deal of resistance against damage of shadow origin.
Black Kat Seraphnyx, "Angela"-
A dark cat like sprite created through Clockwork exposure. It has the following attacks. All of which require a shared minute cooldown.
Disintegration Ray- A knock back short lived ray of light, known for piercing armor.
Iron Heart Attack- Enemies hit by a heart shaped wave of energy heal the Dark Gunner.
Valkyrian Aura- An orange energy bubble surrounds the Dark Gunner, protecting him while allowing him to fire shots unimpeded. Lasts only 10 seconds and can only adsorb so much damage, about the might of a missile.
Biography: A founding member of the Meeting of the Dark. An Isorian wanderer who happened upon a strange portal, which irrevocably transformed him from legendary sharpshooter Tech Star into the Dark Gunner, a nightmarish "less than a person" humaniod with dark powers. After words he became estranged from his son, his friends, his very race, and ended up adopting Azura the Wolver who was involved in the same portal.
All image credits to the Spiral Knights wiki.
Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [ mostly] if OC):
Name: The Dark Gunner, or Tech Star
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 100 pounds
Species: Isorian
However, the green replaced with an indigo blue. With wings on the back.
Personality: The Dark Gunner is somewhat friendly to those he meets, but has an itchy trigger finger in terms of of anywhere. He's becomes calmer as the situation grows more and more dire.
Attacks: Basic Gun- A six shot clip that has enough power to puncture thick armor, with extra depending upon the gun. Argent Peacemaker does elemental damage with a bonus against machinery and undead. Senteza does shadow damage with a bonus against sentient beings. Gilded Griffin does piercing damage, with a bonus against thick hides and armor. Obisdion Carbine is a weaker version of the Senteza but inflicts a weakening poison with it's attacks. The clips auto-reload if left with a bullet or more left in the chamber without requiring the Dark Gunner to reload, but if empty do require a reload.
Charged Gun- A quick flash of yellow energy surrounds the Dark Gunner in a swirling fashion before remaining around him. The next time he fires his gun he is rooted in place as 5 bullets go off followed by a bird matching the main color of the gun, while retaining their qualities from the basic gun attack. Pale yellow for the Argent Peacemaker, dark purple for the Senteza. Orange for the Gilded Griffin. And a series of black Aprocrean tendrils for the Obsidian Carbine.
Basic Sword- A swing with the Obsidian Edge, dealing heavy shadow damage with poison compared to the Senteza.
Sword Combo- A three swing combo with the Obisdian edge, keeping the shadow poison damage.
Charged Sword- The same yellow energy swirls around the Dark Gunner and he releases a heavy sword swing from the Obsidian Edge keeping it's damage qualities only amplified, followed by Aprocrea tendrils reaching several yards.
Bomb- The same yellow energy from the other charge attacks swirl around the Dark Gunner, activating the Obsidian Crusher. When the bomb next hits the ground it explodes in 3 seconds in ten yards in a circle. Deals shadow damage and poison.
Abilities: Flight- Through the use of his wings, the Dark Gunner can fly with ease.
Teleportation- Through the use of his Aprocrea abilities, the Dark Gunner is able to teleport in a flash of purple light.
Devilite Portals- The Dark Gunner can open portals to anywhere planet that doesn't have counter measures.
Dash: The Dark Gunner makes a leap of several meters in any direction that isn't down.
Shield: The Dark Gunner raises his shield, generating a slowly breaking energy bubble around him. Slows him down considerably, prevents him from attacking, and requires several seconds of lack of damage to being regenerating.
Mixed Abilities: Aprocrea Tendrils- These tendrils can be used to restrain enemies or grab items or pull things.
Shield Bash: The Dark Gunner creates his shield and bashes it against an enemy by quickly moving several yards, but costs half his shield's health.
Items/Weapons: Chaos Set- Provides some resistance to damage, with bonuses to the shadow variety, and grants the Dark Gunner the majority of his power. It's what he wears.
Argent Peacemaker- The elemental revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Senteza- The shadow revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Gilded Griffin- The peircing revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Obsidion Carbine- The shadow poison revolver of the Dark Gunner.
Obsidion Edge- The shadow poison sword of the Dark Gunner.
Obsidion Crusher- The shadow poison bomb of the Dark Gunner.
Dread Skelly Shield-
A shadow based shield that provides a good deal of resistance against damage of shadow origin.
Black Kat Seraphnyx, "Angela"-
A dark cat like sprite created through Clockwork exposure. It has the following attacks. All of which require a shared minute cooldown.
Disintegration Ray- A knock back short lived ray of light, known for piercing armor.
Iron Heart Attack- Enemies hit by a heart shaped wave of energy heal the Dark Gunner.
Valkyrian Aura- An orange energy bubble surrounds the Dark Gunner, protecting him while allowing him to fire shots unimpeded. Lasts only 10 seconds and can only adsorb so much damage, about the might of a missile.
Biography: A founding member of the Meeting of the Dark. An Isorian wanderer who happened upon a strange portal, which irrevocably transformed him from legendary sharpshooter Tech Star into the Dark Gunner, a nightmarish "less than a person" humaniod with dark powers. After words he became estranged from his son, his friends, his very race, and ended up adopting Azura the Wolver who was involved in the same portal.
All image credits to the Spiral Knights wiki.