Ghost in the Shell podcast with yours truly


Blue Jacket
Mar 2, 2016
ky, usa
Abridgelion, chrstmascarnage, RogerSmith2004, and I participated in a podcast I had uploaded recently. The general topic is live action anime films. Specifically Ghost in the Shell and its trailer. 

I went and recorded this the week b4 the movie came out, so it's about a month or so overdue, I know this. We might make a 2nd video talking about our experiences actually watching the film.

here you go.

If I get a chance I'll watch this Friday night.
Thanks for taking an interest, I don't do podcasts very often. Stand alone complex is one of my favorite anime series, I hope you end up liking it, loopypanda.

Also, just to clarify, this podcast was made b4 the movie came out, so there's no spoilers for the live action film.
That's good to hear, I won't have to worry too much then. I really like the anime so far when I can catch it. Podcasts are all the rage on youtube right now, so it's always nice to check out new ones. :D I'm subscribed to 5 different ones at the moment. So I always have podcasts queued up when I come home from a long day.
LoopyPanda said:
That's good to hear, I won't have to worry too much then. I really like the anime so far when I can catch it. Podcasts are all the rage on youtube right now, so it's always nice to check out new ones. :D I'm subscribed to 5 different ones at the moment. So I always have podcasts queued up when I come home from a long day.

oh? I didn't know people liked listening to podcasts that much. I honestly thought podcasts by smaller channels was seen as annoying by most.
Watch the first half the video. I agree with that the whole white-washing is basically selective. No one complained when JPN made Attack on Titan with full Japanese cast (which the series made it a big deal that Misaka was the only asian) and Full Metal Alchemist - an European-based Setting - having Japanese actors. 

If Scarlett playing Major (I don't recalled anything that Major's body was Japanese. She was born one, but her ethnicity is irrelevant since the body is a robot) is considered white-washing (despite Japanese fans and even the creator have no problem with), then shouldn't English dubbing be considered white-washing as well? :maybe:
So, finally had a chance to listen to the white washing thing being selective, one point I'd make (that I think might've been briefly addressed) is that when it comes to series like FMA and AoT having live action movies with mostly asian casts, Japan's population is 99.4% Asian and I've literally never seen a white actor in a Japanese movie, chances are there probably aren't enough Caucasian-Japanese actors to fill a movie. 5.4% of America are asian and there are some asian actors here but as you all point out, none of them are really A-list celebrities. An interesting fun fact here though is that Scarlett Johanson was actually their second choice to play Motoko, originally the role was going to go to Margot Robbie before something fell through there. Keeping in mind that this was before she played Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, it's kind of debatable whether she was full on A-List yet. 

That said, I do think Scar-Jo looked the part. I do kind of understand the argument about that taking away work from Asian actors and that there isn't a lot of work for asian actors out there but I've also heard that this movie actually had cast more asian actors than any film in the last few years so there's that. Haven't actually seen it yet, might hit up a redbox and rent it or something
Scrolling on TV Tropes about controversy, I saw that Paramount blamed the "whitewashing" as the reason for the film's finical failure.

Such a shame considering the film's one of the best I've seen in awhile.
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