FTL: Faster Then Light: Pirate Moon

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Star hit the FTL and hit the cloak when a laser barely missed the ship, fired from a small space station with a lot of guns on it. He pulled the ship in to dock.
"Is it just me, or do they get more weapon mounts every minute?"
"Yea but I mean newer weapons I can understand, but just adding more weapons? How do their reactors even function anymore!"
"Well they draw energy from the local star into a oscillator which would cause the station to implode if it were damaged." Star explained sarcastically before walking in.
"Soooooooo lets say someone wanted to HYPOTHETICALLY damage said Starkiller base star syphon device, where on a station such as this one would one find that, and or set a small remote explosive at to detonate it? Ya know, HYPOTHETICALLY...."

Jet followed Star
"Well you see no one's stupid enough to base an entire plan of domination on such a device ludicrous capable of failing. Anyone with half a brain would just use more ships instead of having one space station that's far too powerful for its own good."
Jet stared at the floor somewhat disappointed "B...but...but giant boom though..."
"If the ship could supply me some scrap and power then yes, why?"
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