FTL: Faster Then Light: Pirate Moon

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Star pulled the ship into the facility and ventured inside.
A small block of hardlight followed Star into the facility
~ nothing ~
the piece of hardlight following star spread out into a large net blocking off one of the sections of the ship, Jet came through the radio to Star, "Find the o2 system and destroy it, that should kill em all so we can scrap this"
A bit more hardlight came in and created a mesh around the other mantis

"Get in here quickly then, the ships reactor can't hold out like this for long"

[The hardlight is being held in place on a sub-atomic scale and being held there by the electricity provided by the ships core]
[Really bro -_- Id rather you not try to kill yourself]

Large Hardlight orbs cluster around Star, giving him nill more than an escape route, the airlock was open ahead of him.
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