FTL: Faster Then Light: Pirate Moon

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Star laughed on coms.

"Your target's in the hacking drone of the piloting on your ship. A shame none of you can breathe in space." He said.
"Don't just give me away or anything" Jet re-oxygenated the pirate ship to 50%
The power (not weapon) was rerouted for no clear reason
Star spoke up. "Computer, destroy Jet." The female sounding AI sent messages to Jet.

Star is being mind controlled. I am going to shoot the system responsible, will that give you any danger?
I was going to have them shoot at the hacking module, the blast hit the shields, and cloaking hides the module so they think it is destroyed.

Anyways, no danger, im actually still in the doors room :P

The weapons charge, and target the mind control room
I dont know what to do here
Jet exits door control (on our ship) and catches up to the Pirates narrowly attracting their attention.
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