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Yo guys! Some might remember me as N3rd from AF, or WZRD if you joined later on. Right now, I'm using my Tumblr username b/c I live there. I told Pinkeyy that I would join one day after work like a week ago lol. I'm just now getting around to it :p

Anyways, I'm glad to be here. And it's cool to see a lot of old faces. I thought I was done with forums and I am for the most part, but I decided to join and help you guys build this into the most epic forum ever! Let's have some fun  :cool:
Hey! It's Ploep now. B)
And totally super glad you joined man! :D
Ploep and Syn! Great to see you friends!

I'd like to make a signature but my graphic skills are like dead. I only know how to make gifs now lol.
Hi N3RD! Glad to see you here! I hope you have a great time here! Just have fun posting and let us know if we can help you!
Welcome, welcome. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the forum bro :baaa:
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