DBZ: The Fallen Empire


Green Jacket
Sep 4, 2015

DBZ: The Fallen Empire

"We grow closer every moment. Our former Emperor is out there."

"Why travel so far? Why consume every living thing on Ziost, then turn and flee into the depths of wild space?"

"Could this all just be a game to him?"

"We'll soon find out."



The Fallen Empire is the next chapter in the current DBZ arc following Shadow of Revan, culminating into the climax for the entire series. This is a story driven RPG dedicated to creating a lasting impression on players as an interesting story above all else. Thus.....​


1) No godmodding. 

-This game is designed to create a story, so forcing your characters to shape said story through power players and petty motivations are forbidden in most cases. Of course, there are some potential interests that can be achieved by performing such actions, so keep in mind that my response to any attempts at godmodding will mostly just by retconning it if it does not fit or specifically instructing you not to do it again. This includes healing abilities that instantly counter wounding attacks or significant damage in one post (Simply put, healers can still counter autowounds. But they need to actually show struggle in making it happen if it's significant, so recovery needs to span multiple posts if a major wound occurs).​

2) Trust in the game maker. 

-One of the biggest things here is that most enemies the cast of heroes will encounter will be extensively godmodded. They will potentially inflict autowounds, such as limb amputation, etc. However, death in the game will never occur by the hand of the enemy: only you will be able to decide if a character will die from a move committed by an NPC or other player. So, I ask that you trust in my motivation for this story, which can be found in the overview. There will be no attempts to downplay others specifically for some ego purpose, only to allow other characters to shine while others play supporting roles.​

3) New players and new characters will have to be screened before they can jump into this game. 

-If you've created a character that has found a place in the previous installments such as SoR or the Dread Master arc, then ignore this portion. However, new players and characters being introduced to the universe for the first time will need to go through a small screening with me. Nothing security wise: we just need to get you prepared for the universe this game takes place in, as there are some important things a new player needs to be filled in on to be able to jump into this game effectively. So, if this is the first game you want to get involved in as a player and are looking to make a character for it, send me a PM and we can discuss what kind of character can be added into the fold! And if you already have an idea, feel free to post a registration here with the character and I'll respond with critiques on how to fit them into the game!​

4) Do not be afraid to have your character make potentially game breaking moves or try to change the current path of the story. 

-This is more of a guideline than a rule, but don't be afraid to twist the story every now and again. There are certain side plots and aspects we may not be able to cover with the progression of some events, but the main plot itself is only a skeleton. I have a small idea of where and how things will go, but overall, the only thing set in stone is the way certain characters act. For example, Revan's only unchangeable path in SoR was his obsession with defeating the Emperor and his plan to ruin Ziost to awaken him. How the heroes responded to his ideals, how they moved to counter him, all of it was completely up to the players involved. There was a potential way with avoiding fighting Revan, but as you can see, the chances were still slim. Simply because Revan's character was a very difficult situation for diplomacy to work with, along with some characters not even interested in avoiding the conflict.​

Simply put, if you think your character should act a certain way, don't ever let the current progression of the story deter you from having them act out. If it's something that can not fit, I will be sure to step in and let you know. But I will never be upset with you for attempting to add creativity to the story!


During the storyline, there will be similar instances to when Vitiate individually addressed each hero cast member caught in the timeskip of SoR. As having multiple characters makes it difficult for me to play this out as well as new characters with no backgrounds in the story making their first appearances in FE, I am requiring all players to designate two characters maximum as your mains.

If you only have one character or only want to name one character as a main, that is perfectly fine. And regarding "how much backstory is needed for me to play off of", you must either have a detailed story regarding the character's upbringing in the thread or enough story from your character in SoR and past games in these arcs. To also clarify, any character currently playing in SoR has enough backstory for me to work with if you choose to designate them as a main.

This will be CRITICAL once we reach a certain part in the FE storyline, as all other non main characters will experience a surprise change that you will get to have fun RPing out. More details will be made clear once we reach it!​



Use the following format to have your character registered for the Fallen Empire. Factions will not be specifically labelled this time around, as to avoid confusion. Two rules regarding characters, for those that may not have read the preview thread:​

1) Goku and Vegeta have been killed during the invasion of Earth. This was mostly done as a means to signify the strength of the upcoming antagonist to the plot, but it was also because no one seemed interested in using them as characters. I do not intend to play them for this story, but should you wish to use them, feel free to ask for them in this thread and we'll see how we can fit them back in. Death, of course, has never been permanent in the DB universe.

Now, with that being said, feel free to use this format here when registering a character. I'll be sure to get back to you on approval.​

Image or Appearance Description:​
Small Description of Abilities:​
Comparable Saiyan Transformation Level (Use this to gauge your character if they're a ki based fighter, ignore if character is not DBZ based):​
Notable Weapons:​
Small Background Story:​


Current Cast of Player Characters:

-Vegetto (MAIN)​
-Gogeta (MAIN)
-Vegetto Jr.​
-Deceased cast (Jitto, Goggie, Broly, Blaze)​
-Dread Master Raptus (Omnipotent character, only playable for certain scenes)
-Dread Master Bestia (Omnipotent character, only playable for certain scenes)
-Brachi (MAIN)
-Xenest (MAIN)
-Majin Bara
-Future Xenest
-Future Brachi
-Mioi (MAIN)
-Jaz/Red Mist (MAIN)
-Kire (MAIN)
-Oriko (MAIN)
-Solaris (MAIN)
-Kira Carsen (MAIN)
-Lily Prescott
-Bage (MAIN)
-Panich (MAIN)


Current Cast of NPC Characters (Characters with preset actions crucial to the story):

-Arcann, Prince of the Zakuul Empire​
-Vaylin, Sister to Arcann and Princess of the Zakuul Empire​
-Emperor Valkorian​
-Emperor Vitiate
-The Dread Saiyan
Z-Fighters Characters:
- Brachi
- Xenest
- Majin Bara
- Busa
- Future Xenest
- Future Brachi

New characters:

Name: Abaddon
Image or Appearance Description: Abaddon is a dark gray skinned demon with gray-white hair and yellow eyes, with dark gray horns on his head. He walks around barechested, wearing only pants of which the left leg was purple and the right leg was an even darker gray, held together on the waist by means of a white belt. The pants were also intertwined with the boots, as if it were just the bottom part of a jumpsuit.
Age: Unknown
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Small Description of Abilities: A various set of melee and Ki-based attacks, but has one notable ability to turn his opponent's energy against them for a short time, causing the opponents to get damaged whenever they try to use an energy attack.
Comparable Saiyan Transformation Level: On full power, capable of matching a Mystic Saiyan
Notable Weapons: No weapons.
Small Background Story: Abaddon was born and raised in the Demon Realm along with his sister Malia. First forced to work under Demon Lord Ruthas, but after the Demon Realm erupted in chaos during the whole affair with the Arcrosian Siber, he and his sister managed to escape the realm and through that Ruthas' grasp, having sought and being granted asylum with Brachi's group.

Name: Malia
Image or Appearance Description: [font=Verdana, sans-serif]Malia is a dark gray skinned demon with long, gray-white hair and yellow eyes, with dark gray horns on her head. Unlike her brother, she wears a full purple and dark gray jumpsuit with white shoulder pads and a belt.[/font]
Age: Unknown
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Small Description of Abilities: Some of Malia's attacks unleash different attacks of their own to put on more pressure to the enemy.
Comparable Saiyan Transformation Level: On full power, capable of matching a Mystic Saiyan
Notable Weapons: No weapons.
Small Background Story: Malia was born and raised in the Demon Realm along with her brother Abaddon. First forced to work under Demon Lord Ruthas, but after the Demon Realm erupted in chaos during the whole affair with the Arcrosian Siber, she and her brother managed to escape the realm and through that Ruthas' grasp, having sought and being granted asylum with Brachi's group.

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Abaddon-and-Malia-528079532 (Ref. picture to see how they look like)
I've no new character to register for now, so it will only remain as Mioi for me. :kat:

Name: Mioi
Image or Appearance Description:
Age: 34 in Earth years 
Race: Marclops (Martian Cyclops)
Gender: Female
Small Description of Abilities: Her physiology is more suited to using firearms that those with two eyes need a sight to aim accurately with (meaning she can see even farther with a sight). Her eye is also capable of firing bright lasers of different intensities at point-blank range, although this can wear her out if she does it too much; she can make holes in walls by constricting her pupil and firing a thinner laser for a longer duration. Additionally, since her hidden mouth is mainly for chewing through food or metallic objects and not talking, she is able to use telepathy for communicating with others. Theoretically, she can use telepathy to plant intrusive thoughts into other people's minds by mimicking voices they may recognize or even themselves. This has never been attempted before. Low regenerative ability.
Comparable Saiyan Transformation Level (Use this to gauge your character if they're a ki based fighter, ignore if character is not DBZ based): N/A
Notable Weapons: Previously a lightsaber, but lost it. She'd fare better with a firearm.
Small Background Story: Before the story began, she was looking to become a member of the royal guard for a cyclops princess that she was fond of and could enjoy associating with despite her low class status. Mioi figured she would see the alien princess again if she tried to become skilled in the combat that royal guards would use to protect high-profile figures and raise her social status. To do first, she needed to pay for the training by scraping together the money with mercenary job assignments that were easy enough and had decent pay. Just when she had enough money to start enlisting in guard training, the vast destruction of planets throughout the galaxy began. She escaped her home planet through an emergency pod ship during all that was going on before it was ultimately destroyed, becoming a refugee and enlisting in Jedi Academy training to get by while she sought out what to do with her life now that she lost everything (wasn't doing that much promising progress when she met the Z-fighters anyway). Nothing to return to and no ideology to believe in other than her own, Mioi seeks to find the truth behind all that has happened, even if it might cost her life.
All approved, especially Mioi, and I have an important update regarding gameplay:

During the storyline, there will be similar instances to when Vitiate individually addressed each hero cast member caught in the timeskip of SoR. As having multiple characters makes it difficult for me to play this out as well as new characters with no backgrounds in the story making their first appearances in FE, I am requiring all players to designate two characters maximum as your mains.

If you only have one character or only want to name one character as a main, that is perfectly fine. And regarding "how much backstory is needed for me to play off of", you must either have a detailed story regarding the character's upbringing in the thread or enough story from your character in SoR and past games in these arcs. To also clarify, any character currently playing in SoR has enough backstory for me to work with if you choose to designate them as a main.

This will be CRITICAL once we reach a certain part in the FE storyline, as all other non main characters will experience a surprise change that you will get to have fun RPing out. More details will be made clear once we reach it!

So I'm pretty sure I know who your mains are going to be Z, but go ahead and let me know in another reply who you want specifically!
My main character will be definitely Brachi, considering the hell she and her friends have gone through so far. I only question the time placement of the story itself so I can try to figure out where Anomalous Past fits in.
Name: Kire Rebbel

Image or Appearance Description: Tall and handsome. Has short, but messy red hair and sometimes wears reading glasses to see. He has a bandanna on top of his head. It is black with green spots. (I will provide a drawing soon.)
Age: Around 33

Race: Cyborg/Android clone of a human.

Gender: Male

Small Description of Abilities: Very intelligent and about to generate a strategy to almost anything. He is able to build many things using nearly nothing available. He is a brilliant war strategist and technician. He is almost unmatched when it comes to technology. He is a very fast learner. He also has skills in martial arts and remains a black belt in a special blend of street fighting and traditional Martial arts. 

Notable Weapons: His fists. Since he's a cyborg/android, he upgraded his arms to be similar to machine guns. Red Mist.

Small Background Story: Kire was originally a human back on Earth during a terrible war that happened hundreds of years ago on Earth. His was killed by his own son, but he had a back up. Before his untimely death, he created a clone of himself should anything were to befall on him. He made sure this clone was kept alive surely to protect his family. Things didn't go as planned and the cyborg/android clone mysteriously disappeared. The clone has been in hiding ever since until it recently turned up in another planet, working in secret by creating small droids to gather information. He has avoided capture several times and seems to be looking for something or someone. Since then, he had helped and hindered any army he crosses with or was dragged into. He tries to avoid conflict but he can handle his own when pushed into a corner.

Lemmie know if this is okay, we might need to talk about Kire a bit, so lemmie know if you're unsure about something. Lemmie know in a PM and I'll gladly edit it. 

Main: Red Mist/Jaz and Kire. 

Edits: (10/26/2018) 

Abilities: Incredibly intelligent. He is able to make holograms, turn invisible, and hack from a distance using special robotic hands he created during the trip with the group. (Like Sombra from Overwatch) He has translocators that are able to help him teleport around when he tosses them. He has one that is for close range and another that is for very large distances. If the locators are destroyed then he will not be able to teleport. The one for Long distance has limited uses due to how much power it takes out of Kire's body. His body, specifically arms, are able to turn into several weapons, however, he prefers not to fight since his strength is not his strong point. Kire is also able to tap into computers, gather info, and contain it, literally, within his head. Almost everything on his body is made to give him the upper hand.

He is the inventor os KABS (Ki. Absorbing. Body. Suit) which allows the person wearing it to absorb all energy directed to them and turn it into power for the suit and themselves. The power controlling the suit is a blue diamond centerpiece. The wearer's abilities are enhanced and they are able to move, act, and react much faster than they normally would. KABS also cuts physical damage down by about half of the damage taken. KABS is able to communicate with the holder (and other wielders) through an A.I, alerting them of dangers nearby and giving out detailed analysis upon the user's request. In information collected by KABS is immediately sent to Kire's main computer, Helga, where he is able to view and plan accordingly. Kire can also communicate with KABS and the people inside them.

Kire's major flaws: Most of his body relies on power. If he reaches zero, then he will unable to use his gizmos or anything else in his body. Every once in a while, he has to rest to let his body recharge both mentally and physically. He is a loner and is very harsh to new people around him, thinking himself above them. His tone and way of thinking are very harsh and he prefers not to show or give mercy, but, despite it all, he's trying hard to be accepted. Kire is extremely overprotective of his daughter, Jaz, and will drop anything he is doing to make sure she is safe. He will tend to do things on his own in hopes it will benefit the group.

tl;dr: Kire is a really smart asshole.
Z-Fighter said:
My main character will be definitely Brachi, considering the hell she and her friends have gone through so far. I only question the time placement of the story itself so I can try to figure out where Anomalous Past fits in.

The Fallen Empire is slated to follow directly after SoR, in the search to find Vitiate.

And do you only want to put Brachi as a main? You can select Xenest as well, as the limit is 2.

Also, you're approved Z! Will update list shortly.
Z-Fighter said:
Xenest will be my second indeed. :)

Can I also add Dread Master Bestia? Seeing as she is the 'original' Brachi to begin with...

You sure can, but remember the rules regarding their playtime:

They are not to be used to interfere or alter the course of any events within the story. They are beings that serve only to observe and advise when the heroes call on their counsel. As Raptus put it:

"It's their multiverse now, not ours."

Having them choose a side in almost any situation puts the validity of their near omniscience and near omnipotency into question. So in order to make things fair as well as keeping the image of the characters intact, Dread Master usage is reduced to Kai Homeworld counselling.
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