DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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"Down, Tiger. she's married." Zibarica warned.

Panich gave an awkward smile to Kire, she had not been given such treatment since long ago when she worked under Frieza. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

"There's no need to be so formal.." Panich said. "But thank you..."

 She turned back to the others to watch them battle, studying the effectiveness of the suit.
Mioi dug her heels into the dirt as the blast was rapidly approaching. 

This is the power I want this suit to test! Mioi's eye narrowed as she commanded the suit, recognizing that signature purple color.

Absorb it. She broke into a sprint towards the blast itself, a fist pulled back as she charged. 

:: Understood. Initiating absorption. :: 

Once the suit began its execution, Mioi came through the blast range with a low leap; her right fist was aimed for Gogeta Jr.'s stomach.
Vegetto Jr. kept a smirk, having caught Jaz's fist in his open palm, creating a small explosion of wind out from the impact.

"You mean the pizza I bought?! With money you never had?!"

The hybrid lifted his upper body off the ground slightly despite being pinned underneath Jaz's legs, soon erupting into another thunderous roar as his grip tightened around Jaz's fist. Vegetto Jr. quickly slung Jaz over his head with only his free arm, slamming her onto the green grass hard enough to crack the hard dirt and rock surface below. Having already readjusted himself, Vegetto Jr. rapidly followed the slam up by spinning on his right hand dug into the ground, both of his legs striking Jaz in her left ribs to send her flying across the ground.


Mioi's fist sailed through Gogeta Jr., revealing the body to be a mere afterimage of the Saiyan who stood there moments before. The sound of his voice came out from where Mioi had originally stood before the firing of the blast, at the exact location of the small tremor on the ground from behind Mioi that occured earlier.

"Not bad, the suit can even absorb the volatile energy of a Dread Saiyan. I had already planned out this move, to either make sure you didn't die if the suit couldn't handle my attack. Or show you that power is only a fraction of winning a fight."

His eyes remained narrowed.

"Did the Jedi not teach you to use all of your senses? If you only rely on your eyes to track me, then you'll leave your brain easily deceived just as you were tricked into attacking a vision of me. Combine your senses, use all of them to predict my movements, and you will be much more capable than a weakling wielding a weapon beyond their control."


Koth rubbed his chin, having leaned over towards Kire during the combat between the four.

"So...how much zeni would I need to fork over to get a suit of my own? Purely for...err...fashion reasons, of course."


King Hypo winced slightly, sliding backwards across the ground as he tanked the incoming blasts from Brachi. He swung wildly upwards, slapping away a few of Xenest's dark beams but dropping down to one knee after taking a couple to his back. The smoke along the Arcosian's body continued to billow, the King's eyes widening at the massive beam launched by Solaris striking him head on before violently erupting in the middle of the room. The force of the blasts knocked all combatants in opposite directions, each warrior slamming heavily into the walls before the energy began to die down slowly.

Once the energy had dispersed, the room revealed only a crater of black charred ash where King Hypo had stood moments ago. Vegetto grunted, clutching his side as he stood back up.

"Looks like...we got him."
Kire laughed at Zibarica and waved his hand apologetically. He scratched the back of his head, his infamous carefree laugh bellowed out.

"Trust me, I'm married too! Haha!" He offered a wide smile and a thumbs up. "I just think ladies should be treated with respect, y'know. A woman's charm can be considered to be extremely dangerous. Keep on a girl's good side and you'll live to see another day."

Overhearing Koth's little remark, it made him laugh even harder. He gave the man a friendly punch on his shoulder. The same arm wrapped around his shoulders

"Well, buy me a strong drink and maybe I'll give ya' somethin' that'll fancy ya more than these suits." With the same hand he pointed to the Gravestone and tapped at the gun strapped on his back. "I could help you out with your precious ship and maybe give ya' a more powerful gun if I got some time on my hands, free of charge. How's that sound?"


Jaz flew across the field but was quickly back on her feet. The inside of her visor outlined Junior and soon her body disappeared from view. In small bursts, Junior felt a flurry of punches from all angles but Jaz was no where to be seen. She yelled at Junior once again, still driving her anger on him in her childish remarks.

"You mean the money you took from your dad?!" Jaz smirked. "I'mma tell your dad you used up all his credit cards on video games! You're so grounded!"

While Jaz mocked and teased Junior, she appeared in front of him, giving him a hard punch to the face and vanishing to deliver another to his gut and another to his side and back and so on. The punches not only hurt but were also distracting. It was obvious that she seemed to be playing with him, even behind her anger, she still truly cared about him. Even while she mocked him, she still manage to laugh.
"Beginning... Power down sequence... Thank you masters..." Solaris muttered his energy faltering for a second before shaking his head. "I feel like I finally did something for those monsters. A love hate relationship with my dead gods."
Zibarica chuckled at Koth's request. "What, are battle suits the new raging trend?" He teased.

Panich simply watched the sparring between the four, or to Jaz and Junior, venting session. She seemed pleased with the armors ability to withstand such blows from the dread saiyan.


Bage sighed and smiled, "hehe, well that's one! Nice one, Solaris."
Mioi didn't move from her spot, seeming to ponder things over. Then she remembered the vibrations coming from the ground.

Of course! I completely ignored the vibrations from all directions. A beginner's mistake that could have killed me in any other scenario. She dug her heel into the dirt to scold herself silently before returning to the spar at hand. 

"I understand." Mioi looked at the torn-up ground again and dug her heel into it to launch herself forward at a boosted momentum, but her movements were more guarded than before. Having a foot farther forward than the other, she decided to go for Gogeta Jr. directly rather than just use her laser. She was prepared to make a rotation once she landed.
"Eh?" Oriko heard the fighting from inside the ship, prompting him to turn his casual walk into a higher paced "gallop" of sorts. Since he was still recovering from the blast he took, he couldn't quite run or fly yet. "If the others are in trouble, I'll need to help.. guys?!"
Vegetto Jr. grunted, his eyes narrowing slightly in his arms raising up, parrying the blows flying his way. The tension in his arms showed his effort level rising to keep pace, his voice coming out labored.

"Grounded?! Tch..you..really think...I care about...that?"

The hybrid's aura suddenly flared up from underneath his boots, a noticeable rise in the boy's power flaring up suddenly. His tone shifted slightly from the playful banter to one indicating his underlying rage, contained yet starting to break loose. Vegetto Jr. recollected himself, parrying Jaz's last fist strike and using the opening to launch into an offensive flurry of punches, shifting his aim around her sides.

"Try spending twenty five years hunting down your stupid best friend, finding out her stupid recklessness didn't get her killed. Try risking the small scraps and friends you have left in the universe for the love of your life, only to have more than just your hope stolen from you by an evil bitch!"

The aura continued to flare up dramatically, the power and speed behind Vegetto Jr.'s punches escalating steadily beyond visible sight.

"Try waiting most of your life for the girls of your dreams to admit her feelings, then shun you around for the rest of the day because she's just too damn proud to let it finally become more! That...is real pain!"

Vegeto Jr.'s eyes went wide, his dark purple aura suddenly dissipating away as he abruptly stopped his assault and leaving him completely open to a counter attack.


Koth cringed a little at Kire's suddenly punch on his shoulder, uneasily chuckling along with Zibarica and Kire.

"You know the latest trends...beating up people as strong as the Juniors is always in style. I'll have to pass on the gun...but if you can work that sort of magic on this baby..."

He glanced back towards the ship.

"There's no way Arcann would be able to stop us."

Koth's attention then suddenly turned to Vegetto Jr.'s sudden explosion of energy, blinking and standing uneasily at the feeling of the ominous energy surging around him.


Gogeta Jr. kept narrowed eyes, studying Mioi as she closed in on him. His arms tensed, the air around the Saiyan exploding outwards. His body visibly leaned forward, but remained stationary in its spot.

As Mioi landed near the Saiyan, a small breeze of wind shot past Mioi's right arm. The ground to Mioi's left, however, denting slightly from an unseen force.


Senya kept her arms at her sides, her attention turning to the metal door that suddenly shot up into the ceiling. The robed Scions had disappeared completely from the room, the energy protecting the walls having dissipated away.

"It will only get harder from her. I'll lead us to the next trial."

The woman moved forward, breaking out into a small sprint with Vegetto in tow.
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