DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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Mioi joined Panich and Zibarica, for she felt this would be the last chance they would get before being forced onto the ship. She didn't let the deafening sound distract her from her advances. 

I'll go for the legs this time! Mioi dashed behind Vaylin to aim a kick to break at least one of the woman's knees. Now or never!
Koth kept a small smirk as Kire entered, nodding to the controls to his right while he sat upright in the main cockpit of the ship.

"Oh, nothing really. I just thought that you'd be interested in the first honors of using the new Omni Cannon I got up and running. Once we get everyone on board, we're gonna take this fight to the Eternal Fleet."


Vegetto's eyes narrowed, the sight of the battle with Vaylin a few miles away across the ground. He increased his speed, still a long ways off from the group but his energy signature rising high enough for the others to sense their presence above.


Vaylin's head whipped to the side, her body having slouched into the follow up blow as Zibarica continued his barrage of punches. Before she could retaliate, however, Mioi's kick forced her to collapse onto one knee, nearly toppling face first into the grass. She turned her head up slightly in time to see the massive blast of energy forming at the end of Jaz's hands, her eyes widening at the volatile energy surging from her palms.

Jaz smirked before glaring directly at Vaylin. The energy continued to violently surge by her hands until Jaz was unable to hold on to it any longer by how unstable and powerful it was for her to handle. The ball of energy seemingly got bigger and bigger, KABS's beeping alarm blaring from the diamond centerpiece. Jaz's arms shook before letting out a yell to alert the others.

"Get out of the way now!"

Regardless if people were able to get out of the way on time, the ball was fired off, the force behind it pushed Jaz back several feet. Panting and struggling to keep herself on her feet, Jaz looked at her hands. The sheer power of the energy burned through the suit and her hands. Her eyes widen at how powerful Vaylin truly is. She attempted to deliver some sort of follow up attack but the immense strain on her body left her nearly paralyzed, forcing her to drop to her knees.

"KABS, raise my visor." The centerpiece was blinking a dull color which indicated that the suit was unable to respond to Jaz at the moment. "KABS?"


"Omni Cannon eh?" Kire raise an eyebrow and took a seat next to Koth. "I'd love to fire a cannon that sounds as powerful as that. Let's see how well this cannon holds, being made by you I sure hope it packs a hell of a punch."
Kira ran over to Jaz and grabbed her by the waist, picking her up.

"We gotta leave, now!" Kira said to the girl before heading back to the ship.


Solaris flew with Bage, heading back to the Gravestone.

"We're getting there, cease any worry."
"Ok, time to go now.. Hopefully we don't get blown up or anything.." Oriko started flying back to the Gravestone, occasionally gazing back at the impact site of Jaz's blast. "Damn, that was one powerful blast..."
Pulling himself out of the way, Zibarica watched as rhe blast shot toward Vaylin. The force of the attack pushed both he and Panich back a few feet. 

"Zibarica!" Basil called.

Zibarica flew back to the others without hesitation, Panich following close behind.

"Let's hope that does something." Panich said to herself as she and Zibarica rejoined the group, turning to the sky as she sensed Vegetto. 


Bage watched the sky light up from a powerful blast near where the others were. The saiyan turned to Solaris as he tried reassuring him.

"Easier said than done.."

Bage then increased his speed, hoping to get to the others as fast as possible.
(Two months later, finally got around to posting. Really sorry for the delay here guys, hope you're all still here! :))


Both of the Juniors rapidly bolted away, leaving Vaylin alone in the front of the blast as it spiralled towards her. Her eyes remained wide, her arms meagerly thrown up in defense while her screams were deafened underneath the roar of the energy, the ball rapidly colliding into her and shooting out up into the sky shortly afterwards, erupting into a violent explosion.

Vegetto winced, his dash cut off mid way and staring up at the light spectacle for a few seconds. He quickly recollected himself, his dual voice ringing out.

"Get back to the ship!! Now!!"

The others bolted after him, quickly moving towards the ship entrance and funneling inside of the vessel rising into the air.
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