DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"I know that feeling." Atama grumbled. "Enough power to lay waste on entire galaxies... No one left to protect or stop."
"And there's also the risk of over-reliance. If you're such a powerhouse, people will come and expect you to come to their aid and vanquish the monster-of-the-week like it was Tuesday, making them lazy or lose interest in training. None of us will be around forever, or we won't be always around to help them out, hence we still continue to train our children and our friends so they can help in defending the planet in our stead whenever we are for some reason indisposed." Future Brachi replied.
"Outliving lesser races is always a problem for Solarians. When you simply age so slowly compared to them once you reach adulthood." Atama added. Memora looked over.

"Nobodies don't age too, ya know." She said.
Future Brachi nodded grimly. 
"Which in turn could affect one's personal life." She said.

"How?" Future Xenest asked.

"Well, think about it; if one has an extended or long lifespan or perhaps being even immortal, thus being unable to die from natural causes, wouldn't it be devastating to watch everyone they love, cherish and hold dear, who do not have such lifespan or immortality, grow old and die while they themselves still look in their prime age?" Future Brachi asked.

Future Xenest nodded at this, before he realized something.

"Then it must affect you as well, doesn't it?" He then asked her.

"Yes, due to me being part cyborg, I do possess an extended lifespan, thus I age slower compared to you, even though I do require to eat a lot like a Saiyan in order to stay fit. Same thing goes for my counterpart." Future Brachi said, pointing to the healing tank which contained 'Present' Brachi, whom still floated within the liquid while her expression was peaceful, as if she was sleeping.
Memora walked over to Atama.

"Oh come on. I'm a Nobody, Jack's a God of Darkness, Solaris is a Solarian Saiyan, Lily's the only mortal of the group. We'll be there for you." She said. Atama smiled brightly in return.
At the same time, the three Namekians regained their consciousness and woke up as the fluid drained from the tanks they were in, allowing them to get their bearings back together and step out once the tubes were removed and the tanks themselves opened up...
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