DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"No, I have not." Deramas replied, before supporting Majin Bara a bit more as she moaned a bit, staggering a bit towards Atama clumsily.

At the same time, the Namekians Tatsu, Yango and Piccolo were beginning to regain consciousness, which was noted by an increased activity in their tanks through their breathing...
Memora looked at the newly revived while Atama went over and helped hold Bara stable.

"I read a story once about an immortal one dead seeking to return to life, so she could die with her husband." Atama said.
Majin Bara eventually managed to stand up straight, although her movements were still a bit wobbly due to her weakened form.

"Take it easy now, you just need to rest up a bit more to regain your strength..." Deramas said.
"What... happened? Last thing... I remember was this planet... we were on... explosions all over... something knocked me out..." She said, moaning a little as Deramas gently set her down in a chair.

"Just relax and get your bearings together. We'll tell you everything once you've recovered fully." Deramas said.
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