DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"Even if I don't have emotions, it's still rude to leave without a goodbye." Memora said.
"He's my team member as well, going and leaving without a word." Memora said sore. "Worst part of all, I can't honestly care. I can only, almost care. Stupid Nobody nature."
While Memora and Deramas were having their conversation, Maki and Oriko were sitting in the medical bay, watching the others that were in the tubes.

"You know, it's amazing, how we've gone from fighting our own conflict in one world to fighting many conflicts across the multiverse, despite having just discovered it..." Oriko turned to Maki.

"Yeah.. And the fact that they're so much more powerful than us. It's amazing, considering they make even Lucifer look like a pathetic peasant in comparison." Maki responded, sighing. "And there's the mysterious link we found between the God Fragments and their godly energy..."

"Wait, what?" Oriko asked.

"You were never told? We found a link between the very thing that keeps you alive and their energy. It's possible that you could utilize this 'godly ki'.. Of course, they've also been examining that 'Ragnarokian' energy and it also has an uncanny resemblance to the Satan Fragments that were recently uncovered by Lucifer... It's possible that Demonic Energy could be related to this energy.." Maki explained.


Oralie was laying down in a bed, sleeping soundly.

"Those Z-Fighters are truly getting on my nerves..." Lucifer grabbed the sides of his throne, the throne succumbing to the pressure.

"Oh? It seems you have trouble fighting the Z-Fighters.." An ominous voice sounded throughout the throne room.

"Hmm? And who might you be? Reveal yourself before I take my sweet time ripping you apart.." Lucifer growled, his frustration apparent.

"Who I am doesn't matter. What does matter, however..." A wave of dark energy brushed by Lucifer, all of the nearby demons disappearing instantly. ".. is that you can advance my agenda."
A Martian was with Oriko and Maki, overseeing the healing process continuing, keeping a close watch on the monitors.

"We're approaching the Sol Solar System, expecting arrival at Mars in a few minutes." The Martian Helm Officer then announced.
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