Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: The Black Rose
Hey guys! This is just another thread created for the purpose of discussing the story at your leisure. I wanted to create a separate thread for this because this board will just serve as commentaries and opinions about the story, rather than requiring you to review or critique something about it. Overall random things you've read that you simply want me to see as an author, questions about points that may be confusing, or just simple talk about what you read and what you enjoy/don't enjoy are all welcome here in this board!
Only rules I ask for are simple courtesy towards others when discussing things in this board and simple respect for my time. As well as limiting what you would like to see in the story to "suggestions". Which, to put bluntly, means don't just blatantly command me to write a shipping or a situation into this fic because you want to see it. I welcome ideas and overall different approaches to heroes, villains, relationships, etc. and have taken some ideas thrown at me before in the story, but I will not tolerate those who aggressively demand me to make changes without proper courtesy or criticism.
Thanks everyone, and have fun!