Crazy Injury Stories?


The Strongest
A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
Ever had a injury(ies)? Explained your story here about how you received those injuries :awesome:
I have two messed up knees. The first knee was when I was going down a hill on my scooter and I fell off, hitting the pavement directly with my knee. I was around 6-9 years old at the time. The second knee was injured by me running in the pool and slipping. My knee hit the edge of the step which prevented me from moving for almost 5 minutes. I never got checked for my injures despite me telling my mom and dad. Also, we didn't have any money.

Sadly, the injuries caused me great pain and I was forced to quit my Martial Arts status and I was unable to play any sort of sports. Most of my late childhood, I sat on my ass and gained a bunch of weight but lost a bunch when I went to the gym for about 4 months. I swallowed the pain and eventually, got used to it. By the time I was about 15, I had regain feeling on my knees but I always had to be careful. One day in school I fell and landed right on my knee and I chewed out my pain, dropping not only my friend off by myself to our classes.

As of now, the pain has almost completely subsided but I just always have to be careful, some parts of my knees have never recovered and I cannot apply a lot of pressure to these areas or I will be in crippled with pain.
I have two, but one had a longer effect than the other.

Back in 2nd grade or so I was playing at school in the playground and was climbing across the monkeybars from under it. Usually, I planted my feet at the end fine and could let go, but for some reason, my first foot slipped when I set it on the bar and I fell, so I pretty much hit the bar between my legs. The pain there prevented me from going to the restroom for a few days because it just hurt too much. Next time someone tells you people without a pecker can't feel anything being kicked down there, just know it's a lie. We are just less vulnerable to it happening in comparison.

The other one was recently from Halloween. My brother was annoying me so I wanted to kick him in the leg to get him back. I was between him in front of me and a closed door (I was in a double doorway). I missed him and swung my right foot, my fourth toe directly hit the wood of the door and shot up the tendon. I honestly believe I fractured it incompletely because any pressure sent a burning sensation and I felt it weird massaging that area. I can walk flat on my foot now with no pain, but when I wiggle the toes on that foot, that specific toe feels moving stiffer then the others. Idk if I actually fractured or not, but the pain lasted about 2 months. Just lessened a bit very slowly.
There was this fun fair I went to when I was like 10 years old or something, and there was a 'fun house' there. You could to walk through there and go over different types of obstacles. One of them was a conveyor belt type thingy. I stepped on it but lost my balance, so I got taken up while I wasn't even on my feet. Then when I got above, my leg got stuck in the belt, which then, because of the friction, burned the skin on the side of knee off. :( Luckily my sister was right behind me and was able to pull me out before there was more damage. I've still got a scar on my right knee because of it. I can't believe they allowed such a dangerous thing in a fun fair because I heard more people fell there.
Eruner said:
I was just trying to get out of rabbit box or house, which I climbed as kid, but unfortunately slipped to the ground

something like this, but way more old-fashion one:

I believe it. I wouldn't want to even try climbing one even at my height :-/
Ploep said:
There was this fun fair I went to when I was like 10 years old or something, and there was a 'fun house' there. You could to walk through there and go over different types of obstacles. One of them was a conveyor belt type thingy. I stepped on it but lost my balance, so I got taken up while I wasn't even on my feet. Then when I got above, my leg got stuck in the belt, which then, because of the friction, burned the skin on the side of knee off. :( Luckily my sister was right behind me and was able to pull me out before there was more damage. I've still got a scar on my right knee because of it. I can't believe they allowed such a dangerous thing in a fun fair because I heard more people fell there.

Jesus, I hope they removed that in the current age, because if they didn't more and more people will be losing more than the skin of their knee.  :argh:
I have quite a lot, so I guess I'll say a few of them. When I was 2, I was eating near a pointy-edged table. My dad looked away for one moment, and I managed to somehow cut my eyelid open with that sharp edge. I just laid there with my head to the table and blood starting to pool around me. Dad almost had a heart attack when she saw me. I didn't scream or anything. In fact, Dad was worried about how calm I was. Even when they stitched up my eye at the hospital, I was laughing and playing with my stuffed alligator. I asked them to stitch him up, too. I still have a slight scar just above my right eyelid's eyelashes. I think. I can't see it too well, even in a mirror. But, most other people can.

When I was about 10, my parents and I decided to go hiking. It was a really hot day out there, so I wore short shorts. We hiked most of the day, so we were all exhausted and hungry. We decided to have dinner at a local Italian restaurant. I had a huge craving for pizza, so I ordered it. It was a pepperoni pizza to be exact. (This was before I stopped eating pork.) When it came, it was boiling hot. I couldn't wait for it to cool, so I picked up a slice, and some of the cheese along with a pepperoni slice landed on my right leg. The bare area. It was so painful, I couldn't scream. But, I did stand up. Didn't feel like I could take it off, though. My dad, luckily, got it off of me and I ended up with a 2nd degree burn. Would have been much worse if that molten glob of pizza had stayed on longer. Took months to heal. I still have a flame-shaped scare on my leg.

Around that same year, I was at a camp that the 4th graders go to each year. We did things like make birdhouses, learn to tie all sorts of knots, make dream catchers, put up tents, fly kites, etc. It was a lot of fun. I was running around a steep hill with some other classmates. Suddenly, one of the teachers yelled that it was dinner time, so we all ran down said hill. I went down the steepest way and ended up tumbling down. I landed on my face. Broke my glasses in half, and part of the bridge area of those glasses were embedded in my nose. I started to bleed like crazy, too. A bunch teachers came running over to me, and administered first aid. I think I had to leave earlier than everyone else, too. My entire nose itself was knocked slightly off-kilter by the fall, and still have a thick short line scar right at the top of where my nose starts, just below my eyebrows. My nose never went exactly back to where it was, although it really isn't that far off. People notice it more when I turn my head.

Another more recent one was a few years into college, I was about to go onto the football field to get ready for marching practice. It was raining heavily that day, and we had to take metal stairs in order to get to the field. I wasn't paying much attention as I was talking to my friend at the same time. Suddenly, I slipped. My clarinet went into the air and split into pieces across the field. (Luckily, its normal parts. Not like it shattered.) I was more worried about it than myself. I bounced a few times on the stairs, and landed on my butt on the field. Everyone heard a loud crunch. I didn't feel anything for a few minutes. Then, I noticed I couldn't move. So, somebody gathered up my clarinet and case, a bunch of people picked me up, and someone drove me to my dorm. They helped me get to my room, but said the rest was on my own. When I saw someone at the local clinic, they took one look at it and said: "Oh my G-d!" Not something you want a health professional to say. It looked bad, though. The x-ray indicated that there was a lot of internal bleeding. There was so much blood, they couldn't tell if I broke my tailbone. They said I most likely did, or had a horrible sprain there. I couldn't march anymore, and had to give up something I loved because of it. (Specifically, I never was able to high-step again. That's important in marching band.) I can walk/run/etc. fine, just never like I used to. And, maybe with a very slight limp. Most people don't notice it. I don't think it healed right or all the way.
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