BoogaVerse Informative Guide

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015
BoogaVerse Informative Guide

The purpose of this guide is to ensure an understanding of BoogaVerse and bring out essential elements towards building your characters. Please read through the guide, then head to the Character Box Guide to get started on building your character box thread before playing!

Key Rules
  • It is required to create a character box before playing in BoogaVerse.
  • You can only play 4 characters per chapter.
  • Your characters cannot be in multiple chapters at the same time.
  • Do not break established lore in BoogaVerse.
  • Do not godmod, bunnymod or metagame.
  • Death can be an option for your characters.
  • If you want your own arc villain, you must discuss things with me, and we’ll work something out.
Important Links
Booga is the epicenter of all events that transpired in the lifetime of BoogaVerse, caught in a struggle between the higher gods. After the event of White Space, dark energy slipped in the Core Zone and manifested itself as powerful dark creatures known as Shadows. They seek nothing but destruction in their wake. Booga has 7 regions: Shina Ania, Paradice, Desolate Lands, Empire State, Deimos Valley, N-Constringitur and S-Constringitur. Below are dedicated description of all the regions for your characters.

Notable Notes
  • Dragon Guardian exists on every continent on Planet Booga. The Dragon Guardians are a group of powerful Dragons tasked with the role as protectors of Booga. If a celestial threat appears to threaten the stability of Booga on a global scale, they will arrive and terminate the enemy. After the White Space Event, all of them received a “Super Mode”, which requires a bond with a human to activate. Retcon, the Reboot Dragon, is located on the Moon for safety reasons. 
  • Shine had resigned from his duty as Grand Sorcerer and traveling the world to atone for his sins. Ballows is appointed as one of the Leader of the Magic Society.

Regions of Booga

Shina Ania, otherwise known as Alkebulan by Anians, is a region filled with legends. The birthplace of humankind, one of the few places that has peace between humans and monsters, well-known for its beautiful architectures and many towns devoted to various gods and goddesses. Shina Ania has a large diversity in geography, with wildlife to compensate, consisting of desert regions, highlands, everglades, Great Plains, jungles and rainforests.

Shina Ania is an absolute monarchy. Founded in Year 24 of Crisis-Era, Empire became the first king of Shina Ania and ruled with an iron fist with mercy and kindness. To ensure protection against invaders from other nations, Empire imposed isolation. He allows people to leave the country for exploration, as long as they returned. He also advocated no wars, whether domestic or foreign, imposed complete neutrality to avoid any outside influences, spearheaded cooperation when monsters that appeared during his reign. Moved by his kindness and popularity by his people, Suyoi granted him with Pure Energy, becoming the first human to do so. As a result, all his descendants will have a chance to have Pure Energy, used as a way to determine the next ruler of Shina Ania.

Although Anians lived in harmony for centuries, there was a disease outbreak that mysterious appeared in the region that send ripples to the population. Known as the Moyasu Alma Disease, it corrupts the soul by filling it with Dark Energy, drives humans to become mad and go on a rampage after a few days. It has no cure—not even Pure Energy can erase it. The only way to suppress it is by making a pact with a monster; a contract between human and monster by combining their souls to ensure survival. They trade their ability age, but in exchange, gains power. 
  • Shina Ania is based on the Middle East and Africa.
  • Anians is the term for the people who are born in Shina Ania.
  • “Gold Diamonds”, Diamond made completely out of gold; deem more valuable than Californite.
  • Khalid is the 14th King of Shina Ania
  • Moyasu Alma disease only appears in Shina Ania.
  • Pacts is only possible between humans and monsters. They are known as Pacters.
  • In certain towns in the region, Demons have legends built around them, such as being referred to as Vampires, Succubus, etc.
  • As a result, they tend to gather many religious fanatics and cults.
  • Zillion, the Dragon Guardian, sleeps in the deep depths of the lake near the palace of the King.

Paradice, the land of magic, serves as the trade capital of the world. It has a rough history of bitter wars against the Demons, invaders that was left behind after the Crisis Era. To respond against the onslaught of threats, humans began to learn, and practice magic as means to defend themselves against them. Eventually, a man called Merlin ended the wars overnight, driving the invaders out of Paradice. Afterwards, interest in magic continued and to Merlin, it served well for humanity. Merlin founded the International Society of Magic, which split into two factions: Brotherhood of Black Magic and Sisterhood of White Magic, until they eventually reunited as Magic Society after White Space Event.

The affairs of Paradice is handled by the Magic Council of the Magic Society. This includes forming treaties, organizing military forces and passing laws of the land. Nationalism among the Paradicians is incredibly high after the Demon Wars; to the point that they pride themselves as the reason for kickstarting the advancement of human civilization. They expelled all Demons and Deimos from entering their land until the White Space Event, when a new council agreed to repeal the exclusion clause.
  • As magic changes throughout the ages into its modern form, it had improved the quality of life. Food, health, and other factors improved dramatically due to magic, becoming the most populated nation in the world. Furthermore, they became adamant of ensuring the quality of the environment. They took measures of preserving national forests, old buildings left from the wars and more. Even those damaged from conflict, with magic, they managed to turn it into a remarkable place of beauty. The highest mountain peak in Paradice is where the Dragon Guardian of Paradice, Slygon, sleeps.
  • Paradice is based on Asia (including India and Russia).
  • Paradicans is the term for the people who are born in Paradice.
  • Magic Society has a ranking system for mages: Novice, Expert Mage, Battle Mage, Wizard, Grandmaster, Sorcerer/Sorceress. Grand Sorcerer/Sorceress is reserved for leaders.
  • Mages not affiliated with the Magic Society will be referred as Rouge Mage.
  • Evil mages are referred as Witches, Warlocks or Bleu Mages.
  • Due to influx of magic, evil spirits are common in Paradice.
  • They are home to a lot of mythical creatures in forests across the region.

Deimos Valley is the land of Deimos. After being driven out of Paradice, Demons settled in a land far off the coast of Shina Ania and established a colony. Soon after, Demons adapted to the harsh conditions, and after centuries, undergo an evolutionary change. They lost the ability to perform magic, no longer have chaotic energy, became less aggressive and gain a more humanoid appearance as a result. They became an entire separate group from the Demons, gaining a new identity for their race: Deimos.

Unable to wield magic because of an evolutionary change, Deimos, through science and technology, developed Anti Magic through the usages of music and instruments. Music is a major part of their culture, one of the reasons why their evolution occurred, due to the songs calming their aggressiveness.

Deimos Valley has a single ruler, called Deimos King Ghido, who handles all the affairs of the nation. Descendant of the Demon General from the Crisis War, he harbors hatred against Paradice and hopes the world would cleanse them from the face of Booga. Such, Ghido engages in a warfare of political powers, showing off their newly developed nation to the world by being better than Paradice.
  • Deimos Valley is based on Australia and Oceania.
  • Deimos Valley is the music capital of the world.
  • Deimos are the only species capable of Anti-Magic.
  • Black Dots are rare minerals used for building instruments; they sold for high prices and sought out by treasure hunters.

Desolate Lands, originally known as Rupoee, was once a beautiful land filled with flowers, wildlife, medieval cities and the sort. However, due to an influx of wars between faction governments in the region, led everything into ruin. All faction governments sought to control the entirely of the region and power in Age 1913-1945. The brutal war devastated the land due to destructive weapons, ranging from swords to magic, military missiles, chemical and biological weapons. Population dropped, native animals on the verge of extinction and vegetation rotten away. Resources became inadequate, governments collapsed, and society fell to their lowest point. Finally, preventing any reasonable restoration, nuclear explosions merged throughout the region suddenly in the final years of the war.

It became a barren wasteland with no laws, earning its new name. Mutants and Monsters are incredibly common in the region, sprouting several tribes. They often raid small towns for food and goods. Evil spirits take advantage of the human lives in the region, coercing into bad deals and exchanges. The Dalv Tribe flourish by hoarding nearly 90% of useful resources to themselves, leaving small towns to fend for themselves against Monsters, Mutants and now, Shadows. The Beast Slayers, formed by merging all Guild, is created to counter these abundances of creatures.

The Dragon Guardian Dragore became disgusted of the destructive capabilities of humanity and harbors resentment of them. He rested in the ancient castle in deep in the "Endless Deserts" and lost hope for humankind in the region.
  • Desolate Lands is based on Europe.
  • There are no laws in Desolate Lands.
  • Desolatians is the term for the people who are born in Desolate Lands.
  • The homeless population is high and there are very few towns.
  • A powerful tribe known as Dalv Tribe are located in Eastern Side. They are extremely antagonistic to outsiders.
  • Desolate Lands is beyond repair; it will never return to its original state.

Empire State is an advanced nation that pride itself of pushing technology to its fullest potential. In Age 1800, the region entered a period of technology boom, known as Golden Industrial Age after discovery of Californite. Californite is a mineral that literally used for everything and anything; including making flying cars, anti-gravity cities, advanced health care, teleportation and the sort, all possible of a single mineral, earning the name, “Land of the Future”, for being so ahead of other continents in technology.

It became eye candy for tourists as every city have a unique niche that appeals to their interests. For example, Superhero City is famous for the gathering of heroes in the area for people to take their photos. The Big Apple is famous for its collection of Mysterious Beings, a powerful summoning to aid them in battle. Empire State also created a protectorate state for the Dinosaurs called Dinostone Park.

The affairs of Empire State is handled by the Heroes Force, led by Susie Charm. It was originally known as Heroes Organization, but due to a detail leaks of corruption by the media of Minute-Man’s actions, it led to his dismissal and the Organization was revamp, ranking systems abolished, and a new leader was appointed. Susie Charm leads the nation to greater prosperity and hope to establish friendship with her neighboring regions. The Dragon Guardian of Empire State received critical wounds during the Great War between Empire State and Rupoee that started in Age 1775. After the defeat of Rupoee and the explosion of technology, humans managed to rebuild the Dragon Guardian into a cybernetic dragon and referred itself as Cygon. He currently lives deep in the forest of Dinostone Park.
  • Empire State is based on North, Central and South America.
  • Empiran is the term for the people who are born in Empire State.
  • Every city has a unique niche that separates them from other cities.
  • Empire State is home to the largest criminal organization in the world, the LEMONs, an antithesis of the Heroes Force, controlled by their boss, Citrus Man.
  • Californite is only available in Empire State.

North/South Constringitur are the coldest regions on Planet Booga. Very few life forms lived on either of the continents. Coldmo and Coldoma, Twin Dragon Guardians, lived in the North and South Pole, respectively.

Important Elements in BoogaVerse

Energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical and mental activity. They are the foundation of all life, things, living and nonliving. All abilities such as powers and magics draws from the usage of energy that flows in one’s body. If something completely runs out of energy, either they will become immobile or it leads to death. Energy is made up of three components: Spirit (Magic), Mind (Psionic) and Vigor (Power).

Neutral Energy, otherwise known as Chi, is what all living and non-living things have by default. The appearance of this usage of energy is represented by blue auras.

Chaotic Energy, otherwise known as “Malicious Chi”, a type of energy manifested in beings with evil hearts. The appearance of this usage of energy is represented by red, pink or purple auras. A person with chaotic energy can become good overtime and the malicious influence decreased.

Pure Energy, otherwise known as “Benevolent Chi”, a type of energy bestow by the higher gods or the complete removal of evil in one’s soul. The appearance of this usage of energy is presented by white auras. 

Dark Energy, otherwise known as “Madness Chi”, a type of energy that occurs through a number of things. Once a user have Dark Energy, they are driven to madness to commit chaotic destruction, become obsessive on a singular goal and vice viscera. The appearance of this usage of energy is presented with black auras. Negative Energy is Dark Energy mastered with controlled madness; however, this variation is only available to one character (Negative).

Description of Abilities

Vigor (Power) component of energy is a manifestation of physical strength. Flight, speed, increased strength and energy attacks, all comes from Vigor.

Spirit (Magic) component of energy is a manifestation of channeling from external sources to affect the world. There are many different variations of magic:
  • Black Magic draws from those that tap into the darkness.
  • White Magic draws from those that tap into the light.
  • Dark Magic, also known as Ancient Magic, are illegal and forbidden abilities lost in time due to their high-risk consequences in usage. Capable of performing Ancient Demonology, Demonic Sorcery, Necromancy, etc. Those that use Dark Magic have their hearts sink in malicious thoughts.
Mind (Mental) component of energy is a manifestation of willpower and mental state. Psionic abilities and Gravity powers are examples of the usage of the Mind component of energy.
  • Psionic, otherwise known as Psychic, is a powerful mental ability that comes with a variety of powers including telekinesis, foresight, mind control, etc. There had been many psionic users, but the strongest one of them all is Citrus Man, the Boss of LEMON; capable of fighting equal ground against Grand Sorceress Z. 
Anti-Magic, developed by Deimos, counters all kinds of magic. Through the usage of a musical instrument capable of utilizing anti-magic properties, the Deimos can nullify and destabilized all forms of magic and shutdown their usage for a window of time. 

All the Lifeforms in Booga

There are several races that coexist in Booga. You are able to pick any of these races to your leisure to build your characters! Here are a list of species that live on Booga aside from humans and machines (i.e. robots, Androids, etc):
  • Monsters, essentially animals and plant life who gained chaotic energy or pure energy through various means. Certain species of monsters are much friendlier than others (such as Fairies), while some are far more aggressive. Intelligence ranges from low or very smart, depending on the environment and their survival methods.
  • Deimos, descended from Demons, are humanoid creatures. They are incapable of magic, but in exchange, able to use anti-magic through their music instruments. Deimos do not have Chaotic Energy. 
  • Demons, created by Lucifer during the Crisis Era, got left behind as the war concluded. There are very few Pure Demons in the world, but there are out there. Vampires, Goblins and the sort. All of them have chaotic energy.
  • Mutants, humans exposed to nuclear radiation with darkness growing in their hearts. Feeling anger from the bitter wars, they mutated dramatically with exceptional abilities. They lost their ability to perform magic, but in exchange, their Vigor and Mind improved.
All Summons Methods

Using a Summoning Card, a device that allows you to summon a warrior, there are two types of summons, Natural Summons and Mysterious Figurines:
  • Natural Summons is a method of summoning any creature, including holy spirits and evil spirits, to aide you in battle. Once the battle is over, they disappear.
  • Mysterious Figurines is a method of summoning a powerful warrior that came from another world (characters from existing medium) to aide you in battle. Once the battle is over, they disappear. You are bound to retain their personalities as close to their original image. You need permission before adding this to you summons.

The Dragon Guardians, Protectors of Booga

The Dragon Guardians are a group of powerful Dragons tasked with the role as protectors of Booga. If a celestial threat appears to threaten the stability of Booga in a global scale, they will arrive and terminate the enemy.

The Dragon Guardians were dinosaurs blessed with Pure Energy by Suyoi to assist her in Lucifer’s War. Not only did Pure Energy change their appearance, it gave them overwhelming power and intellect. They became crucial allies to Suyoi and Uriel in annihilating Lucifer’s forces and ending the war. As the war concluded and Suyoi departing from the world, the Dragon Guardians went to various places in Booga to rest or explore.

Normally, they viewed humanity as curious creatures and their evolution an interesting observation. Some of them viewed that they share the same sentiment; growing intellect always go for the growth for self-improvements considering they were once Dinosaurs.  As such, throughout time, some Dragon Guardians assisted in humanity’s evolution for improvements, from infrastructure to small-scale wars, if they thought it was justified.

Yet, due to the brutality of humans in the Great Wars, including the event that led to the state of Desolate Lands, some of them viewed humans with contempt and absolute disgust. They distance themselves away from human lands, only emerging when a celestial threat loom over. Dragon Guardians are not evil, they can have a cold, indifferent viewpoint to humanity as a whole. In essence, the Dragon Guardians do not act unless a Celestial threat appears, everything else, in their viewpoint, is humanity’s responsibility to deal with.


Cygon, The Cybernetic Dragon

Name: Cygon

Height: 850 m

Weight: 950.0 kg

Species: Dragon Guardian 

Location: Jurassic Cavern, Empire State

Personality: Cygon is cool, calm and collected in the face of danger. There was never a moment where he becomes angry or nor jump into action without thinking. Cygon makes decision based on the situation to minimized causalities to the best of his ability. He’s one of the more friendlier Dragon Guardian since he believes in the strength of humanity.

Natural Capabilities
  • Activation: Cygon starts out using half of his full power. Once the core is fully warm up, he can access his full power.
  • Draconian Core: Cygon’s Core accumulates energy in battle to keep his body operational. However, once his core exceeds the maximum storage limit, all excess energy will fire rapidly from his body, destroying everything in the process to free up space. The excess energy has enough power to obliterated mountains.
  • Draconian Armor: Cygon’s armor is made out of Californite and other special minerals. Combined with Pure Energy, the armor can withstand the force of an exploding star.
Special Attacks
  • Explosive Pure Cannon: Cygon has two main cannons on his back which builds up energy, drawn from his core, and released a devastating blast at the enemy. 
  • Machine Draconian Fire: Cygon fires off energized bullets in rapid succession from the machine-gun strapped on each arm. Upon the final rounds of bullets, he grabbed the enemy and smashes them to the ground before firing the two concentrated explosive attack.
  • Pure Metal Madness: Cygon exposes his Core to quickly gather all the energy in his body to a singular point before firing a powerful, destructive beam towards the enemy. It has the capabilities to completely obliterating the moon.
Biography: Leader of the Dragon Guardians, Cygon resides within the tallest mountain ranges in Empire State, Jurassic Mountains in Dinostone Park. Originally known as Rogan, he led the group, alongside Suyoi and Uriel against Lucifer and his army, tipping the tide of the war to their favor. After the conclusion of the war, Rogan chose to settle in Empire State to be closer with his original ancestors and, due to curious nature of their rapid technology, keep a closer eye on the humans in Empire State.

Unlike the other Dragon Guardians, who chose to stay aloof of human affairs, Rogan was very much involved. Such is evident when the Great War of 1775 between Empire State and Rupoee erupted; Rogan offered assistance of helping Empire State defeat their enemies. However, he received a devastating blow by Rupoee’s weapons of mass destruction and forced to withdraw from the war. 

The Empirans felt sympathy towards the Dragon; his wings damaged; his fangs shattered, and his body was rotten due to some mysterious chemicals from Rupoee’s bombs. Rogan tried to heal naturally but the damage was so severe that he will never returned to his original self. After a sudden explosive growth of technology and the discovery of Californite, the Empirans rebuilt Rogan with cybernetic parts to bring him back to his former glory. Rogan was grateful of this, in which the Dragon changed his name to Cygon to align with his new “revival”.


Slygon, The Stray Dragoness

Height: 5.8 m

Weight: 203 kg

Species: Dragon Guardian

Location: Mount NeverWake, Paradice

Personality: Slygon is a fickle creature, bouncing from one thing to another in an instant depending on how much it interest her. She has an aimless desire to seek out worthy foes that enter her domain for the thrill of getting a challenge. Despite her odd behavior, she’s kind to humans and monsters, especially children, and often give them survival tips if she see them stuck on Mount NeverWake.

Natural Capabilities
  • Disruption: Slygon emits a powerful aura around her body, which reduced the power of magical attacks from enemies.
  • Dragon’s Safeguard: Slyon has a natural barrier around her, which nulled all physical contact attacks. 
  • Forthcoming Sight: Slyon can look two seconds into the future to determine the next moves her enemies will make.
Special Attacks
  • Draconian Rudimentary: Slygon flies into the air and fires a combined, devastating elemental attack (Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind, etc.) onto the enemy. It has secondary effects such as burn, frozen, paralysis, etc. 
  • Diamond Showers: Slygon spread out her wings and summons large, rugged diamonds out of thin air and smashes the enemy.
  • Supernova Disorder: Slygon covers the entire area in complete darkness; trapping the enemy in a protected barrier. She flies upward in the air, gathering all the pure energy in her body, releasing it in all direction. It has the strength greater than dozens of supernovas going off.
Biography: After the end of Lucifer’s War and all the Dragon Guardians went to their separate ways, Slygon was still eager for battle. She wanted to improve her fighting ability, but no one dared to challenge her unless it’s for the purpose of war. She was turned off by the brutal wars waged by humans, so she eventually settled on the highest speak of Mount NeverWake. She wants a friendly spar, not a battle between left and death, unless it’s against an enemy.

She did not care for the war between Deimos and Humans, feeling that the fight over the land was beneath her. However, one day, Merlin appeared before her. He urged the Dragon Guardian that he understands her desire for battle, and he’ll fill that void based on one condition: She can find many worthy opponents to satisfy her lust for a good fight if she assists with shaping up Mages from the Magic Schools. She agreed.

Even though Slygon won the battle, she was immensely impressed with the way Merlin handled himself against her. She became a central part of the Magic School, where if one want to ascend to the higher position of Mage, they have to showcase their abilities against her.


Dragore, The Ravage Dragon

Height: 124.8 m

Weight: 345 kg

Species: Dragon Guardian

Location: The Neusch Castle, Desolate Lands

Personality: Dragore is brutal and vile; the meanest of the Dragon Guardians. He has no respect for human life, despite being their protector. He viewed humanity as a threat to the natural order of the world and would destroy them if he could. He is respectful to those that shown him that their hearts aren’t tainted with any form of darkness. 

Natural Capabilities
  • Impenetrable Skin: Dragore’s skin is so dense and thick, it will repel all physical contact attacks. 
  • Dragon’s Echo: Dragore lets out a mighty roar, allowing him to instantly locate his enemy’s whereabouts, regardless if they are dead or alive. 
  • Black Abyss: Black Abyss surrounds Dragore’s claws, allowing him to attack ghostly figures, celestial beings and demonic creatures.
Special Attacks
  • Obscure Flare: Dragore stands on his two legs and fires off a powerful wave of black flames towards the enemy, melting everything and overloading their atoms to the point of explosion.
  • Ravage Assault: Dragore slash the enemy back and forth with its mighty claws, strong enough to rip through islands with a single strike.
  • Rigorous Eraser: Dragore spreads his wings, gathering pure energy in his body into multiple balls before firing. A single shot can vaporize an entire star.
Biography: Dragore was once a beloved Dragon that cared for humanity and assisted in flourishing Rupoee. However, the continent erupted into a very deadly war that lead millions to their deaths. Furthermore, Rupoee dragged other continents into their wars and attempted to use the Dragon Guardians as means to utterly destroyed their enemies and if they refused, they turned to weapons of mass destruction for a blood bath.

Dragore became disgusted of the utter cruelty of humanity and their potential of creating the deadliest weapons with no sign of slowing down. At the end, Dragore abandoned humans when the entire land became nothing more than a nuclear wasteland. He resided in the Neusch Castle, one of the remnants before the war and created a powerful barrier. Dragore declared to never help humanity ever again, seeing the most dark and cruel side they can become.

Many Desolatians tried to capture the Dragon as means to become a powerful figure in Desolate Lands, but all of them failed and died. Dragore has become more aggressive, his behavior becoming unhinged whenever humans’ step onto the castle. He will destroy anyone in sight that dares to challenge him.


Zillion, The Lethargic Dragon

Height: 275 m

Weight: 381 kg

Species: Dragon Guardian

Location: Rim Ocean, Shina Ania

Personality: Zillion is the most kind and carefree of the Dragon Guardians. He’s not interested in involving himself in human affairs and prefers sleeping around or playing with Marine life. He’s slow on the uptake, but once a battle starts, he’s a vicious beast.

Natural Capabilities
  • Aquatic Armor: Liquid forms around Zillion’s body, acting as a set of armor that repels physical attacks.
  • Dragon’s Call: Zillion lets out a mighty roar, which summons all Marine life, with a temporary power boost, to come to fight alongside him in battle.
  • Curative Stream: Zillion summons dark clouds over the horizon which rain down healing properties that will recover himself and his allies’ stamina and strength instantly.
Special Attacks
  • Incandescent Light: Zillion leaps into the air and smashes the ground with his tail, generating a powerful energy wave made of light that tears around the earth towards the enemy.
  • Thermonuclear Discharge: Zillion gathers energy within his body and fires a devastating blast towards the enemy. A single shot can level up multiple cities.
  • Tidal Wave Beam: Zillion absorbs the liquid around his body, turning into a gigantic ball of water and launches it towards his enemy. Once they’re trapped inside, he unleashed a devastating beam that engulfed the bubbled enemy. It is strong enough to collapse a entire star.
Biography: After Lucifer’s War ended, Zillion went to the Rim Ocean and decided to take a long rest. Similar to Slygon, he was not interested in involving himself with human affairs. The people of Shina Ania cherished the Dragon Guardian and refused to have anyone bothering him or disturb his playtime.


Coldmo and Coldoma, Twin Zero Dragons

Height: 100 m

Weight: 100 kg

Species: Dragon Guardian

Location: North Pole, North Constringitur (Coldmo) and South Pole, South Constringitur (Coldoma)

Personality: Coldmo and Coldoma are twin Dragons that shared the same appearances, attacks and abilities. Yet, they are radically different in term of personality, which is the only way to tell them apart. Coldmo is cold and aggressive, always readying to pounce the moment the battle starts. Coldoma is sweet and friendly, always waiting for orders before taking off.

Natural Capabilities
  • Hoarfrost Defense: Coldmo and Coldoma’s natural skin is so cold, any non-fire attacks instantly freeze upon impact.
  • Endless Snowstorm: A powerful blizzard instantly forms around them.
  • Frost Void: Coldmo and Coldoma’s claws has special properties that can shred through barriers and illusions.
Special Attacks
  • Rime Bullets: Coldmo and Coldoma flapped their wings to twirl the eternal blizzard rapidly, turning the falling snows into gigantic icicle shards that smashes onto the enemy. It will unleash a devastating explosion upon impact.
  • Slush Beam: Coldmo and Coldoma gathered pure energy from their bodies, blasting the foe with a energy beam from their eyes, freezing them instantly.
  • Double Absolute Zero Annihilation: Coldmo and Coldoma flies into the air and rain down a wave of energy blasts towards the enemy, blasting area and freezing everything to the point of absolute zero. Afterwards, the Twin Zero Dragons come down and smashed the ground with their powerful strikes, completely shattering everything into nothingness. It has enough powerful to burst the moon into pieces.
Biography: During battle, Coldmo and Coldoma are a powerful team that no enemy can take down. Their unity and understanding in battle is perfection, always knowing what the other would do against their opponents. However, outside of battle, Coldmo and Coldoma cannot stand each other. They get into fights, bicker about everything and often cause more harm to the land that they’re trying to protect.

It was so bad that Cygon ordered that both of them to live in separate areas to cease the infighting between them and protect the humans for getting caught in the crossfire. Coldmo and Coldoma accepted this as the best option and live on North and South Constringitur respectively.


Retcon, The Retroactive Dragon

Height: 75 m

Weight: 362 kg

Species: Dragon Guardian

Location: Unknown

Personality: Retcon, unlike the other Dragon Guardians, cannot speak. It is passive at first, but once it enters battle, it becomes violently aggressive until the threat is neutralized. Even the other Dragon Guardians cannot explain the complexity of Retcon.

Natural Capabilities
  • Eternal Armor: Retcon’s Armor has special properties that makes it immune to all physical attacks.
  • Pure Light: Fiery light aura surrounds Retcon’s body, allowing it to be immune to all magical attacks.
  • Guardian's Roar: Retcon lets out a mighty roar that boosts everyone’s strength, including the enemy, dramatically.
Special Attacks
  • Reboot Spectacle: Retcon spread out his wings and fired off red lasers all over the place. Everything it touches, it will revert back to its original state.
Biography: Retcon is the seventh Dragon Guardian but has never formally appeared in any point of history. Suyoi blessed this particular dinosaur as a last resort if the battle is unwinnable on a universal scale. The only way to summon Retcon is to gather all 6 Dragon Guardians in one place while using the Dragon’s Heart.


Sequential Events

A concise, sequential events regarding the background information on the creation of BoogaVerse. There are two different time periods throughout the history of BoogaVerse: Before Era and Crisis Era.

1500 Years Before Era - The Birth

Before the concept of time, the world was nothing but an endless white void. Suddenly, two distinct explosions occurred on the opposite ends of the void, filling it with mysterious energies called Chaotic Energy and Pure Energy. In the midst of the chaotic explosion, Chaotic Energy and Pure Energy created Viegan and Suyoi respectively. In their wake, they had filled the vast emptiness of world with their immense powers until their eventual encounter.

As both laid their eyes to one another, Suyoi, who felt the sense of loneliness during her conquest, became ecstatic upon meeting another being. Viegan did not. He liked the idea of filling the world with Chaotic Energy in his conquest; Suyoi’s existence is a threat to his ambitions. Both of them stared at each other, one side Chaotic, the other Pure. Neither of them moved, but they did communicate with each other in attempt to form an understanding.

900 Years Before Era – Battle of Gods

The conversations between Viegan and Suyoi lasted for centuries. They learned everything about one another, including their fears, desires and philosophies, and acknowledged each other as siblings. Viegan suggested a solution for Suyoi: surrender her side of the universe. Suyoi refused.

As expected from her answer, Viegan opted for a battle to determine that who shall be the dominant force in the world. In a haste of emotions, both Viegan and Suyoi rushed towards one another, marking the first time Chaotic Energy and Pure Energy came in contact. The two, equally powerful beings collided with so much force, it created a powerful explosion, resulting a new type of energy, Neutral Energy, and gave birth to a new being, Todasúl.

Moments after his birth, stars, galaxies, planets and other celestial bodies flung out in all direction. Todasúl interrupted the battle between the two powerful beings, and created the Core Zone, which host all the celestial bodies in a singular ball. Todasúl, unlike his older siblings, did not care about the ambition of becoming the dominator of the universe nor making friends. He was interested in preserving absolute safety of the world. Viegan and Suyoi did not continue their fight, but rather observed Todasúl’s actions.

850 Years Before Era – Core Zone

Todasúl completed the Core Zone, dividing it into three sections: The Upper World, the Under World and the Living World. In the Upper World, Pure Energy exists and act as a home for Suyoi. In the Under World, Chaotic Energy exists and serves as a home for Viegan. Neither world can have the opposite energy in them. The division created as a way to keep both of them at bay to ensure safety of the universe, which they accepted.

Life started to flourish in the Living World because of Neutral Energy, which intrigued Todasúl. To have a closer look at the development of the Living World, filled with the cosmos, Todasúl created a world in the center as his home to continue his investigation.

631 Years Before Era – The Meaning of Life and Death
After 269 years, Todasúl studied the development of the Living World and observed several strange occurrence and issues:
  • Although Pure and Chaotic Energy can exist in the Living World through special means, Neutral Energy is the dominant force.
  • All living things will die eventually and become ghostly figures that float aimlessly throughout the Core Zone.
  • Suyoi and Viegan had experience boredom: Suyoi sought for companionship and Viegan grows tired of being confined to Under World and could lash out at any moment.
Todasúl decided to act with these new developments. He issued a meeting with Viegan and Suyoi and proposed an idea: The souls of the living, as Todasúl dubbed them, will go to the Upper World and the Under World to provide company for the Celestial beings and provide a new home for to live in eternity. Viegan and Suyoi agreed to the proposal, and Todasúl began the transition of how souls will enter their worlds:
  • Todasúl revamped Limbo into a place where all souls go after death.
  • Once a soul arrived on Limbo, Todasúl determined which world they will go based on deeds in their life. Todasúl would refer himself as "The Judge" for eons.
  • Once a soul arrives at their destination, their neutral energy change towards the energy of that world, radically transforming them. Pure Energy turned souls into Angels and other celestial beings, while Chaotic Energy turned them into Demons and other demonic creatures.
  • AkuYǎn, also known as the Transporter, escorts souls to Limbo for judgment. He created a guild (The Reaper Force) to hunt down souls that refused to move on throughout the Core Zone.
As a reward for Viegan and Suyoi’s cooperation, Todasúl personally created a planet called Booga, as a testament of unity. Suyoi became rapidly interested in the development of Booga, while Viegan became disinterested of the planet, focusing his attention on developing the Under World with its new inhabitants.

629 Years Before Era – Planet Cyclopia

Planet Cyclopia, a planet created by the collision between Suyoi and Viegan, began to flourish. Todasúl took the interest of the small world after he noticed the race of beings that look strikingly similar to that of Viegan and Suyoi in appearances. He gifted the Cyclops race with the secrets of the universe.

545 Years Before Era – Life begins in Planet Booga

Planet Booga enters "Cambrian Explosion" Period.

300 Years Before Era – The Birth of Reality Vortex

Outside of the Core Zone, Neutral, Chaotic and Pure Energy are constantly smashing against one another so much that it created a violent explosion. The combination of energies formed Dark Energy, which spread throughout BoogaVerse in a sea of darkness, known as the Abyss of Nothingness. In the Abyss of Nothingness, where Dark Energy is dominant, no celestial bodies exist without protection.

In the Abyss of Nothingness, a new being, called Jinaira, was born. After his birth, he created an entire world that different from the Core Zone and created a protective barrier around it to maintain its presence in BoogaVerse. The world that Jinaira created is a strange anomaly; it does not follow the rules of the Core Zone nor does it have any of the three energies. The laws have no sense, no logically reasoning, it’s all a jumbled mess—it dumbfounded Todasúl. Jinaira referred to his creation as “Reality Vortex”, a world where strangeness and irrationality is the way of life.

One day, an enraged Viegan annihilated one of the inhabitants and erased their existence. They did vanish, but they actually transfer to Reality Vortex. Reality Vortex acts a place for those who were cast out of the Core Zone. Due to the nature of Reality Vortex, once someone enters the strange world, they cannot leave no matter what, or they will permanently face erasure. The laws of the Core Zone no longer applies those in Reality Vortex.

231 Years Before Era – The Dinosaurs

The first appearances of Dinosaurs on Planet Booga.

65 Years Before Era - Refusal

In distant space, an enormous meteor crashed onto Planet Booga and exterminated all life but the Dinosaurs stubbornly refused to go extinct.

50 Years Before Era – Lucifer’s Rebellion

In the Upper World, there were two angels, Uriel and Lucifer Morningstar, loved by the community because of their grace contributions. However, Lucifer sought for something more. He wanted to spread his wings in freedom and travel across the cosmos, without any restrictions of Todasúl. In order to remove such restrictions, he attempted to persuade Suyoi to go against her younger brother, but she refused. She urged him to drop the foolish plans, but Lucifer did not listen; instead, he came into the realization that Angels are nothing more than toys to lively up Suyoi’s life.

Chaotic Energy began to form within him. For free will to truly exist, he staged a rebellion to remove Suyoi, absorbed her power and defeat Todasúl himself. However, the revolution failed thanks to Uriel putting a stop to his plans. Suyoi and Todasúl never thought that someone with Pure Energy could become Chaotic Energy. As punishment for trying to upset the balance, Lucifer was cast out from Upper World and sent to Under World, but Viegan took him as his apprentice.

Uriel was noted to be an exceptional angel of her courageous act of stopping Lucifer from going out of control. Suyoi wished to explore BoogaVerse out of curiosity before visiting Planet Booga. Todasúl acknowledged her desires but warned that she needs to appoint someone to act in her place for Upper World. Suyoi handpicks Uriel and places her in charge, while she goes off exploring.

2.5 Years Before Era

The first appearance of humans shown up on Planet Booga.

Crisis Era Year 0 – The Removal Plan

During her travels in the Core Zone, Suyoi encountered Planet Cyclopia and interact with fellow Cyclopians. In the meanwhile, Viegan and Lucifer are preparing to overtake the Upper World and take over the entire Core Zone.

Meanwhile, Jinaira abandoned his physical body, which became black towers throughout Reality Vortex. He does not enjoy the concept of pain. After ditching his body, using Dark Energy, he created a powerful armor to act as his body.

Crisis Era Year 1 – Planet Booga

Suyoi arrived on Planet Booga after visiting numerous planets throughout her journey. She considered Booga as one of her favorite places since she was impressed of the adaptability of humans. She decided to remain on Booga to connect with humans and animals.

Crisis Era Year 9 – The Removal Plan

Due to Suyoi’s absence, Viegan launched an attack on Limbo, overwhelming them with his mighty powers. Viegan had grew tired of being confined to his world and his ambition to become the sole ruler never left his heart. Lucifer did not participate in the battle, under Viegan’s orders as a back-up plan.

Viegan successfully brought down Limbo and forced Todasúl and the Transporter to retreat to the Upper World. In the meanwhile, Viegan spread Chaotic Energy across the cosmos of the Living World. Demons escaped from the Under World across the Core Zone. Uriel, Todasúl and the Transporter is still trying to hold off their attack, but the massive numbers would eventually overwhelm them. 

Suyoi felt the disturbance of the world thrown into chaos and heard the calls from Uriel. She left Planet Booga to fight off Viegan's powerful army. In a hard-fought battle, they defeated Viegan. 

Crisis Era Year 10 – The Void

After Viegan's defeat, Todasúl determined the fate of his older brother, by banishing him from the Core Zone for all eternity. Viegan, along with other destructive beings, was sent to the Void, a realm that was formed out of the essence of pure darkness from the Dark Energy.

Lucifer, filled with revenge, became the leader of Under World to avoid the power vacuum from occurring. Unsurprisingly, he crafted a new plan to destroy the Suyoi and Todasúl’s hold on the cosmos.

Crisis Era Year 24 – The Rise of Empire

Suyoi returned to Booga, after leaving the Upper World to Uriel, to observe the evolving potential of humans and their ability to use Neutral Energy to build their society. She witnessed the first concept of "hierarchy" when the population declared Empire, the first King of Shina Ania, for his bravery, kindness and his ambition to always making sure that his people, even his greatest of enemies, have a place to live in peace and harmony. Empire respected Suyoi and ordered the construction of the Sky Temple in her honor. Suyoi returned the favor by bestowing Empire with Pure Energy, becoming the first mortal to have it.

25 Years Before Era – Complexity of Reality Vortex

A strange phenomenon occurred in Reality Vortex. It is true that it acted as a place for beings cast out of the Core Zone. Jinaira became bored since people being erased from existence isn’t a daily occurrence. He wanted his world to have inhabitants. So, he tried summoning people from the Core Zone into his world, but it failed each time until one day, a mysterious man appeared.

Doctor Doom, a being from entirely different universe, had appeared. This shock Jinaira, but rather than reporting it to Todasúl, he decides to assess the situation himself by watching this man from afar. Doom observed the world around him and came into realization:
  • Time does not flow in the way he knows; death is meaningless, and age doesn’t matter. Reality Vortex was a world filled with abnormalities. 
  • He attempted to contact the outside world, but nothing work.
  • Doom tried to escape himself, but the world has a powerful barrier that prevent anyone from leaving.
Jinaira decided that it was high time to introduce himself to this man. Jinaira explained the situation to Doom, revealing that he was the one who summon him here. Yet, their conversation was brief, when Jinaira touched Doom, he accidentally fueled the Doctor with Dark Energy, creating a gigantic explosion. Thinking that Doom is completely destroyed, Jinaira left and returned to the towers, but in reality, Doom survived, and the influence of the Dark Energy invaded his mind.

Unknown to Jinaira, Doom attempted to bring more people in Reality Vortex, but there was an issue. All of them were sent to Core Zone instead (in which, all headed straight to Booga, turning into statues due to the complexity of the energies had on their bodies, becoming Mysterious Figurines). So, he created a machine to have a more stability of the dark energy surging in his body and it was successful: he managed to bring more beings from other worlds to Reality Vortex instead. Yet, Doom’s ambition sought for something greater.

Crisis Era Year 50 – Lucifer’s War

After 50 years of preparation, Lucifer prepared powerful army from the Under World and invaded Planet Booga. The objective of Lucifer's War is the removal of Suyoi by banishing her to the Void. Creating countless of Demons, he let them rampage Booga to terminate the human race and captured Suyoi with overwhelming numbers.

In reactions, humans stood by Suyoi, offering their service to fight against Lucifer and his army. Suyoi led humanity in a destructive war, with Uriel and the Upper World providing support. To ensure survival, Suyoi took a group of dinosaurs and bestowed them with Pure Energy, turning them into seven Guardian Dragons with extraordinary power.

Crisis Era Year 100 – The Fall of Lucifer

After 50 brutal years, humanity managed to defeat Lucifer and forced him back to the Under World. As punishment, Todasúl trapped Lucifer in a box which stripped from of all his abilities. Demons that escaped were recaptured and sent back to the Under World by the Reaper Force; however, there were still a handful of those that remained on Planet Booga. As the result of Chaotic Energy flowing, it turned numerous of animals into monsters.

Hades was Lucifer’s right-hand man, but he disagreed with Lucifer’s ideologies. He quickly became the ruler of the Under World and made a rule that Demons are forbidden to go Planet Booga. Those that break this rule are cast out of the Under World; whatever happens to them after that is no longer his concern.

Suyoi, using too much of her energy to resolve the crisis, went into a deep sleep to heal her battle wounds and resided in a mysterious realm that the only way to access the domain is through the Sky Temple. The Crisis Era has ended but it kick-started a new one, with humanity facing new creatures, concepts and ideas that arrived in their world.

White Space Event

Shine fell into corruption after conducting experiments with energy. His soul blackened by dark energy, he managed to perfect it, turning into Negative Energy. Becoming Negative as the process, the mad mage went on a rampage against the world to swallow it in darkness under the supposed guidance of Viegan. He’d gathered multiple tools, leaving carnage in his wake, such as his attack in Sisterhood and summoning a dangerous being in Port Graham, in order to awakened Retcon Dragon, the strongest of the Dragon Guardians. His goal was to erase the entirely of BoogaVerse and reshaped it in his own image—a world filled with chaos. He succeeded such goal. Trapping the inhabitants of Booga into the world entirely nothing but a white void, Negative was one step closer to succeeding his goal. However, the inhabitants of Booga stand together and defeat the mad mage; separating Negative from Shine and banishing him to Reality Vortex.

The creators of the world came forth to erased Shine, seeing him as a threat to the world. However, due to the persuasion of Z and the inhabitants of Booga, they spared his life and restored the world to its natural state but warned that the damage done from the Retcon’s ability is now permanent and things will change in the future. “Brace for the future, you will have a long, hard journey.” It has been 6 months since this event. We are now in Age Era 9316.
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