Tactical Birthday Activated
Well, today marks the day of our beloved friend, LoopyPanda! This is the first “Birthday Bash” thread that I have personally started. The idea began when I was making the transition of cutting down most themes and keep just two (with a Night Vision), back at sometimes September of last year. I wanted to celebrate a birthday in a rather big way, and what’s way to do with by starting off with the Administration (and possibly, if allowed, the rest of the Moderation team)?
Remember the Hello Kitty theme I created for you during the baby stages of Boogaloo, but was removed when I was making the changes on the forum? Don’t think I forgot that. There was a reason why I told you, that the theme would come back, I would give you the heads up. Well, what better way to give you a head up by changing the header and logo of the forum, as well as your avatar and signature, on your very special day. I never told anyone this, not even ~ Z ~ because I wanted to make sure it would come at such a surprise. A surprise that would leave you speechless. It’s why I was working tireless nights along with ~ Z ~ to value all the support and suggestions from members to have a good time. What better way to show off my gratitude, by dedicated the board to you for the entire week.
You’re not just one of the sweetest person I’ve ever met. You’re kind, caring, and a person that anyone can come to whenever they’re in the slums. Your down-to-earth attitude always brings the breath of fresh air in any conversations, rarely have I ever see you backed down on anything. That goes to show, that you’re not just one little tough nugget. You’re a sweet and talented little tough nugget.
I recall plenty of times where your jokes would often leave Z and I nearly choking for air because of how you say it. The timing, the way you structure your jokes and the precision of it all, would leave us such a state, often times, we had to stop responding because we’re afraid we’re going to die from laughing. Heck, we managed to turn my Dog, Skylar, into a literal meme doge!
Godspeed, Loopy, Godspeed.

Not only you’re funny, but you’re fun to hang out with. Plenty of times of whenever we played Overwatch for hours, Cards against Humanity or just good ol’ fashion gooftalk on Discord voice chat, you always, always bring something fresh to the table. Hell, you managed to get me to come out of my comfort zone and say something, a reality that I never even dreamed of doing!
If anyone has anything negative to say about you, you can guarantee that I’ll be on their asses, if ~ Z ~ hadn’t already gotten her licks in first (Mama Bear’s wrath is nothing to look down on!).
You’re one of the best people I had ever met in my life and I vowed you to be considered as a true friend and a little sister. Don’t let anyone put you down. Fight them back and stay gold.

LoopyPanda, from ~ Z ~, I and the rest of the Boogaloo Crews, I wished you the very best birthday and hope you had an awesome day and an awesome week.
With all the Love and Care,
ShineCero and ~ Z ~ and the Boogaloo Crews!
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Under these spoilers are some interesting things that you might find interesting! I wonder what they are….

Black Star Mioi
Avatar Version

Present incoming by ~ Z ~ in coming days