Art School Shippuden: Road to DA VINKY


Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
cyberia cafe
Forget becoming Hokage... I wanna become DA VINKY (as in... Leonardo da Vinci... get it..)

Art To-Dos:
  • Update designs: Vala, Asuza
  • Underworld metal band: Nemesis, Hypnos, Eris, Keres
  • Redesign my OC Damien (and change his name too bc I don't vibe with it anymore)
  • Finish designing the 7 Deadly Sins (Only 2 are done lol)
  • Pokemon fanfic: Update Satomi's design and finish the ref sheet for her Rival
Areas of Study:
  • Anatomy/Proportions
  • Hands (slowly improving I think)
  • Color theory
  • Shading techniques
  • Clothing design
  • Food/Objects
  • Backgrounds!
2021 Reflection:
Since this is a new year, I decided that part of what I want to do in my wish for improving my art is to invest more time learning the programs I have to work with at my current disposal. 

at the moment I'm not seeking any new programs because sai does the job for me just fine at the moment to suit my and my computer's needs (I also imported a slew of textures manually last year from a different copy). In fact, I have 2 or 3 programs that came bundled with hardware I bought over the years but have just let them sit in my hard drive untouched. It seems silly for me to get another one when I haven't taken the time to really learn these two properly at all.

Over the next few months I'll be logging my progress in terms of learning my programs and any visual art stuff I want to focus on for improvement.

There are 3 programs I want to try and decently understand this year:
Adobe Photoshop 7: I have made a lot of my signatures using it and it has never failed me. However, it's not something I find intuitive for drawing so I have never explored all the features it has properly and I've never figured out how to fully utilize it (i.e. photomanipulations, edits, just drawing) because it's old. It has a higher power compared to SAI in terms of control over color balancing a picture and to be quite honest I never edited my art in post like other artists might do (Luminosity and Color Burn layers don't count I think haha).

Corel Painter Essentials: This one came with my tablet and I loved the first piece I made with it. The only problem is that it's not intuitive and I don't even know if I can directly adjust the default toolkit of brushes. Luckily it comes with a slew of tutorials to walk me through its confusing set of features. Just haven't gotten around to it.

And last but not least, I want to learn how to use Old Faithful… Manga Studio Debut… 4! You probably gasped in horror reading that. I mean, what kind of lunatic would go for Clip Studio's older and obsolete sibling? The basic version where you can only save between PSD files and JPEGs?! Me.

But it's also the first art program I had after 3 years of weeb doodles in MS Paint, so I have a sentimental attachment to it. Plus, in retrospect I was impatient and never gave it much thought to sit down and actually watch the tutorial videos that were up so I could understand the features. (It also came with an access code I never installed, so why not). It doesn't save as PNGs but exporting as a PSD never inconveniences me... provided I can get it to.

A big reason I want to learn it is because I want to see if I could ever develop a secondary style with its clunky late 2000s aesthetic. It wouldn't supersede my current one, but it'd be a great achievement if I could make a comic with it that looked 'modern' in terms of software huh! Also, unlike CSP it won't kill my laptop's RAM as much but I do have to perform a full uninstall and reinstall it so it all goes smoothly.
Eleanor not having an official design is the biggest crime you have ever committed. How am I suppose to draw waifus without a base, huh!? :wagh:

That fantasy adventure story sounds like a neat idea! I'm assuming this will be a short story? Since I think writing small scales stories will actually help you in the long run when you tackle huge ones. If any event, I can't wait to see your progression and will be cheering you on :p
ShineCero said:
Eleanor not having an official design is the biggest crime you have ever committed. How am I suppose to draw waifus without a base, huh!? :wagh:

That fantasy adventure story sounds like a neat idea! I'm assuming this will be a short story? Since I think writing small scales stories will actually help you in the long run when you tackle huge ones. If any event, I can't wait to see your progression and will be cheering you on :p
IT'S HARD DOOD! I changed her hairstyle each time I doodled her! Still kind of debating on what kinda outfit to give her but I'll probably go with a jumpsuit type of thing

And yeah, I want them to be small short stories that kind of are like episodic things. Nothing beyond 4-5 chapters per adventure (each chapter would be fairly lengthy of course) at the most. No huge storyline, just think of it as a "Tales of" typa thing. It would allow me to create my own world and use it fully from any angle (political espionage, helping the little villages, getting a request from the King to accomplish, etc). Things that would sustain me creatively without bearing down too much.
If I don't see more Olivia fanart or Mioi belittling my fashion sense, I will very upset. B| 

I would love to see you dish out some more works, specifically the adventure/fantasy story you have. Super curious as to what you have in store for us. Maybe you can make little paragraphs of whatever comes to your mind. It helps me out and I don't lose my ideas. Mental notes go a long way! As for your art, I would love to see anything you push out. I miss your drawings and I want to see your new and old OCs. I would recommend making short 1-page comics about them (maybe for the lols) but I don't know if the program you use makes it easy for you to make comics.
~ Z ~ said:
If I don't see more Olivia fanart or Mioi belittling my fashion sense, I will very upset. B| 

I would love to see you dish out some more works, specifically the adventure/fantasy story you have. Super curious as to what you have in store for us. Maybe you can make little paragraphs of whatever comes to your mind. It helps me out and I don't lose my ideas. Mental notes go a long way! As for your art, I would love to see anything you push out. I miss your drawings and I want to see your new and old OCs. I would recommend making short 1-page comics about them (maybe for the lols) but I don't know if the program you use makes it easy for you to make comics.

Olivia will arrive shortly... right after I make an obligatory holiday-themed picture of her before I finish the picture of her baking (I really should finish it for pete's sakes...)

SAI is kind of a pain to make comic panels from scratch, but my old Manga Studio can do presets. The problem with working on such an outdated program I haven't touched in 7 years is that it's become about as intuitive as a brick to me. No idea how I was able to work this thing back then, but it definitely aged like milk now that CSP is dominating the market. I'm pretty sure ibisPaintX will let me create panels with far less hassle for free, so I think I'll give that a try. I dislike wasting paper just to draw boxes here and there.
But yeah, 1-2 page comics of them goofing about was what I was going to go with. Just have to suck it up and work around it for now!
I'm happy to report that I finally got an idea for the Mioi story/comic thingie!

Soft sci-fi is much easier to work with than hard sci-fi for me, so a lot of what the story focuses on is more character-centered than anything else. Much of it is going to take some stuff I wrote for Galactic Ruins before I abandoned the RP. Here is what I have written so far as a premise:

"In the Omicron Galaxy, tensions are heavy ever since the rise of Scorpius, a crime syndicate of androids and cyborgs who traded their original bodies for cybernetics. They are led by Genma Platt, a high-profile terror who has decided that the galaxy's resources belong better running under an oligarchy of people who left behind their mortality. Despite pressure from the galaxy's forces of resistance, Scorpius strikes again but begins their siege on Mars Epsilon with catastrophic results, forcing Princess Octavia to flee with one of her sentry guards, Mioi Marsev. Though, they inadvertently take a street ruffian with them named Azumi, who was arrested by Mioi and awaiting to be shipped off to a holding cell for illegal hoverbike racing and sale of scrap ship parts no civilian should have.

They escape by speeding off into hyperspace, but in their haste to flee, the ship encounters a wormhole that spits them out into the Milky Way Galaxy. The only habitable planet for light years is a planet called "Earth", and they cannot attempt hyperspace travel again since the hyperspace drive was severely damaged in the process of escaping. Using the backup combustion drive installed, they are able to reach Earth and land in the outskirts of "Metrohub City," discovering that they not only ended up in a different galaxy, but in a different time period-- almost 900 years backwards (20XX)!

In order to repair the hyperspace drive, they will have to live among Earthlings undercover while trying to reestablish contact with Mioi's superior, Commander Aurelia. Although Genma is a threat that demands all hands on deck, Mioi's last order was to protect the Princess at all costs should Genma attempt to follow them. Princess Octavia is a potential target since she is the Empress's only child.

But until they can even think about repairing the drive, they'll have to figure out where to get the money to buy anything at all! Things will be hard living in comparatively primitive times, with a petty criminal as a roommate to boot."

Also, to stick with the meme, Whitney the prized BGV NPC is going to be in this comic. YEEHAW!

Writing the dialogue will be easy, but putting that into a paneled comic doesn't seem nearly as easy. Especially when the one program I have that was made to streamline such a thing can't do it without crashing every 5 minutes. I also apparently cannot open exported PSDs in Photoshop or anywhere else. I'll try reinstalling this at a later time to see if the issue is fixed... if not, I guess I'll have to do things the old school way!
AWWW YISSSS, Mioi's back and she's even more sassy. I demand more. B| xDD I also would like to see a drawing of Gemma since he's NOT TRASH and he's an AMAZING Spider-butt goonie. I kinda wanna give it a shot in drawing Gemma but I kinda forgot my old drawing of him. He probably changed a bit throughout the years, so I'll wait until the Sexy Spider-Butt slides into my DMs and into your art thread. xDD But yeah, I like the idea and the concept you have for Galactic Ruins (If you're still going to call it that) and sounds like you got your bases covered. Keep it up! 

As for Whitney, I can't wait to see the ultimate crossover with my bae Mioi and my other bae Whitney! I WANT THIS NOW DAMNIT!  :wagh:
It's probably going to have a different name than GR did, especially since this comic is going to be mostly lighter in heart than something as ominous sounding as the older title. I can't really say how different Genma will look because I haven't drawn him in full detail before... he'll probably need a few design adjustments though, but I promise he will still have a huge bum ?

Whitney having to babysit aliens is a funny gag I can't stop thinking about, so as ever she'll be totally oblivious to the fact aliens eat at her diner for maximum memeage.
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