Annoying Household Pests


Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
cyberia cafe

Bugs and other pests have some goofs and gaffs you don't want in your vicinity. And if you had a mild winter, the bugs are basically everywhere in the spring and summer.

What is a house/yard pest you always deal with at this time of year and it's annoying every time? How did you deal with them to try and get rid of them? What kind of pest do you ultimately fear the most?

Currently we have a mild infestation of ants (some with wings which isn't a good sign) and so far we've basically been baiting them toxic food to take back to their colony along with doing sprays along the walls and holes that we cannot plug up. A quick spray of windex kills them off and is far more effective than trying to squish them. But they're switching the routes they enter in.

Ants aren't that bad in hindsight but they are damn annoying to deal with for 2 months straight.
Rats. I've never had rats in my house (THANK GOD) but I would not only scream but reconsider how clean my house is. I can't stand rats in my house (unless it's a pet.) I would also wonder where the hell the rat came from and fumigate my entire house.
I caught a tiny mouse in my garage on the glue trap by the garage door. Was still alive when we found it so we stuck a brick by that corner to keep em out.

Personally termites are like my ultimate fear. Or spider infestations.
This time of year, we get lots of ants, occasionally we see wasp nests (don't see the actual wasps...), termites, slugs (these are pretty much all year long), spiders, mosquitoes, moths, and mice/rats. The mice/rats love the laundry/pantry room. There was like a colony of them in the back part of the dryer a couple of years ago. Rosie, our cat, ate a lot of them. We had someone take care of the colony and gave us a high pitched electronic noise maker. Haven't seen or heard them since. Although, Rosie and the other cat seem to sense something scurrying about inside the stairs and such. One of the places Rosie found a rat was actually inside a carpeted stair. She pulled it out, and on its way it left a trail of blood. She took it to my bathtub and ate there. A bloody mess. So, they really are good hunters and keep some of the pests away. We never use things that are toxic to humans or other animals. My dad takes spiders she finds, puts them in a cup, and puts them back outside. I only kill things when I'm spooked, I feel it's too close, or that it will harm me.
I wish I were able to spare some house spiders, but I've always smushed them out of pure reflex. At least if they're in the house. We had a mild winter so we have a lot of big spiders trying to come in. We found a few baby brown recluses so we're still shaking out our shoes just in case.

We caught a pretty big Wolf Spider with our Glue traps placed in the corners of the Garage. But the gangly spiders like to slip through the gaps in our doors too, so we're due to replace the sticky traps. I usually squish them when they're right in front of me. I stepped on one partially amd felt a tickly sensation, looked down, and saw a big spider under my foot. I screamed and stomped it. ;;
Truthfully, I kinda hate roaches but only because I usually kill them with my hands. We got that roach killer spray but I don't like to waste time to find it. By the time I find it, the roach has disappeared. I just literally squish it with my hand and just wash it after it's 100% dead. It's no big deal for me since I don't gross out really easily. I don't LIKE to crush them with my hands but I am somewhat satisfied to hear that crunching noise they make when they die.

I only use the spray thing with ants.
Misua Cat said:
I find termites to be very F'n annoying especially when they fly around in my new house in Cavite. :mad:


Termites are also very damaging and can even ruin people's homes. I especially hate the flying ones since they're so creepy to me. I don't know why but they give me the chills. I don't want that thingy landing in my ear or something... I was lucky to have never gotten termites in my house (mostly because it's made of cement) but in Honduras, we did have a very small termite problem eating at our chicken homes. I can tell you that it's very difficult to get rid of them.
anzu2snow said:
This time of year, we get lots of ants, occasionally we see wasp nests (don't see the actual wasps...), termites, slugs (these are pretty much all year long), spiders, mosquitoes, moths, and mice/rats. The mice/rats love the laundry/pantry room. There was like a colony of them in the back part of the dryer a couple of years ago. Rosie, our cat, ate a lot of them. We had someone take care of the colony and gave us a high pitched electronic noise maker. Haven't seen or heard them since. Although, Rosie and the other cat seem to sense something scurrying about inside the stairs and such. One of the places Rosie found a rat was actually inside a carpeted stair. She pulled it out, and on its way it left a trail of blood. She took it to my bathtub and ate there. A bloody mess. So, they really are good hunters and keep some of the pests away. We never use things that are toxic to humans or other animals. My dad takes spiders she finds, puts them in a cup, and puts them back outside. I only kill things when I'm spooked, I feel it's too close, or that it will harm me.

Jesus! That's must've been a lot of work! Thank goodness for cats so they can handle the mouse/rat problem. 

Ants however.. they're the worst. What's even worse is that they'll come back in another spot and spread around like wild fire. There was an outbreak of ants that occurred in my bathroom and as soon we dealt with them... there was another outbreak in my mother's closet and she had tons and tons of clothes. So we literally had to clean her entire huge closet to prevent the ants. I took extra measures of spraying downstairs and the kitchen so they won't spread around there, but man, I have a feeling that they're going to be back.
Cat that yowls for 47 hours a day and night nonstop stirring fights with the other,breaking stuff and knocking plants on the floor,as the other trys to crush you by going behind the TV trying to squeeze her bum behind it making TV at risk for falling ,and seeing lizards without tails due to the cat trying to eat it and it escaping ,and mice that end up being the cats lunch............
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